Olesya Sudzilovskaya: "Life taught me 'tore


The arrival of Oleces to the cinema was random. She was seriously engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and even became a candidate for the masters of sports. But at fourteen years she was invited to samples, and then approved the director Vladimir Potapov on the main role in his film. And this event determined her further fate. Now in the filmography of actresses about eighty roles in the theater and cinema. It seems deep, and perhaps the matter is not only in professionalism. Very emotional in life, Olesya and the screen carries complicated experiences and feelings. In 2009, the actress married the father of his child, the businessman Sergei Dzbania, with whom happy in marriage.

Olesya, your cheerfulness is the innate quality or acquired?

Olesya Sudzilovskaya: "Mom sometimes says that he misses me small. In childhood I was so joyful, smiling "sunny girl." And when people met me, involuntarily began to smile in response. With the age of such "solar inclusions" it became less. Life taught me to "stern" and close the mask, but now there are prerequisites and a desire to return to yourself again. "

The acting profession is very nervous, and many experiences: the role did not get or got, but not that. Learned how to cope with emotions?

Olesya: "Probably not. But other priorities appeared: family, child, home. And, apparently, because now I am not only aimed in the profession, everything is not so scary. Well, it did not work out with the role, but at home I have a favorite and loving husband and son. And you know, probably, the best if the actress has a psychologist. Then he and for his beloved will find the right words of consolation, and for himself will come up with some good training-exercise, when it will look in the cinema erotic scenes with her participation. (Laughs.) The husband is a friend - this is a comprehensive task, the highest pilot, agree? I did not meet more of such actors who would cope with problems alone. A person needs support, but people of creative professions are doubly. "

And I had to seek help to professionals?

Olesya: "I tell the story. I was immediately told that you should not even try to get this role. Samples in the painting "Orlova and Aleksandrov" continued, but the candidacy for the main character was already approved. "Olesya, no need," the director told me. - Why do you need it? Dance to cook, songs and text to learn - and everything is in vain, only fluttering nerves. Do not". But I went. I wanted to play the love of Orlov to drove. You know, even with some inner conviction that this is my role. And ... I was not approved! Then it was necessary to resort to the help of a specialist. (Laughs.) Native - and the husband, and mom - also calmed down and supported very much: "Your role will come to you." Only six months later, when we went on vacation with your family, they called me and invited to repeat samples. "

For the first time, the husband of Olesi Sudzilovsky saw her at the Moscow Film Festival, was fascinated, but then it did not dare to come.

For the first time, the husband of Olesi Sudzilovsky saw her at the Moscow Film Festival, was fascinated, but then it did not dare to come.

Lilia Charlovskaya


Olesya: "No. I had no right to leave my. In addition, all I could show and do, I have already done. And now I am immensely grateful for trust: I was approved without repeated samples. My partner of Tolya White, who played Gregory Alexandrova in this film, said: "No, immediately after filming, we will not go to the sanatorium. We will go when the film is voiced in order not to pay money twice. " (Laughs.) Sanatorium, of course, needed with such work. "

Did you get any more role or gave?

Olesya: "Dala, unambiguous, a lot. But how much, we learn when the picture will be released. Time to collect stones has not yet come. "

Does not frighten that age roles began to appear?

Olesya: "If you are talking about the television series" House with lilies ", then there is my heroine Margo from twenty-seven to sixty-two years. And although I am already far from twenty-seven, but not sixty-two. (Laughs.) I gladly worked with makeup. There was a moment when I suddenly began to offer to play moms. But moms are more and more beautiful, whose children are no more than six years. So no - does not scare. "

By the way, you look great. It is not surprising that you became the face of the Garnier cosmetic brand!

Olesya: "It's not a secret, brand top, and be his face prestigious. Therefore, I do not think that I agreed to this offer. And even took part in the work on the scenario, which was very nice. By the way, even before I was to represent Garnier, I had my favorites among the products of this brand. And now I use cream and masks that are good and for flights on the plane, and for filming the field, in the wind. "

If you remember the Olesy Suzilovskaya twenty years and now - have you changed internally?

Olesya: "It was funny when in the program dedicated to the" House with Lilii ", excerpts were shown from my work with the same director Vladimir Krasnopolsky, but a fifteen years ago. I looked at myself and thought: "To what is still green!" (Laughs.) Now, it seems to me, it has become more experience, I can evaluate myself from the side. And with the birth of the child also appeared more meaning in the view. Although some inner maturity, the directions have always noted. I remember Georgy Shenghelia, holding a casting into his painting "garbagers," said: "If I could find the girl that I played a stewardess in the tuns advertisement. There is such a depth! "I was discouraged:" Yes, I'm there ... "He:" Can't be! It's not you ... "I saw right away that he did not trust and doubt. And when the samples began and he saw my eyes in the frame close-up, said the corona phrase: "In the eye - fate." (Laughs.) "Trashman" is one of my early and favorite works. "

Do you have a relation to the profession since then has not changed?

Olesya: "No. I have always been a perfectionism, worked at the maximum. Just at the age of twenty years, the concept of the maximum is different. "

The husband told that for the first time I saw you at the Moscow Film Festival, was fascinated, but I did not go to approach. I was afraid to start a relationship with the actress?

Olesya: "Perhaps with an actress, and perhaps it is with me. Probably, at that moment he had an intuitive feeling that it would be something serious. I did not get acquainted. We met four years later in Krasnoyarsk, where each of us came in their work. And Gosh Kutsenko was delegated to Segeha as a "swat". (Sergey arrived for Olesi at Volga to take to the event, and she took him for the chauffeur. I thought then: "What a bright, kind person. That's what I would like to see every day. We must invite him to work in Moscow." - Approx. Auth.)

Do you have a lot of common interests? Can you discuss the premiere read the book?

Olesya: "We walk together in the cinema, send readed books to each other, but our best is our son."

Olesya Sudzilovskaya:

"The attraction was originally very powerful. I tried to do not depend on each other - it does not work. "

Lilia Charlovskaya

You initially coincided in character, temperament, glances?

Olesya: "For those seven years that we together, we have changed very influenced by each other. Seryozha takes a lot from me, I am from him. When we look together the cinema, I notice that we have similar reactions and phrases that we issue in "Ether". The attraction was originally very powerful, we tried to do not depend on each other - it does not work. And now they realized that they would not go anywhere anyway, and relaxed. (Laughs.) We have become more likely to laugh together. I am not afraid at some moments to show my weakness, and Seryozha is its strength. Although it would seem, everything should be the opposite. But I, having achieved a certain status and in life, and in the profession, demonstrated this in every possible way. And Sergei always believed that it was impossible to limit freedom draw, and rarely demanded something. Now I'm like a stone wall and can be weak. Well, and Sergey is no longer shy to demand attention to himself. "

And how are attributed to dad and son?

Olesya: "Life circumstances taught Serezhu closed, not to show their feelings. And I all thought that he, with his external restraint, would not be with the theme of enough cares, would not take him once again in hand. Nothing like this. They have their own world, and there are so much love and tenderness! Temko misfortune misses her father when there is no. When Seryozha is watching football - this is holy, at such moments it is better not to touch it. But the topic can calmly approach and lie down the dad on the stomach. I understand that they have their own territory. And now they are already lying, hugging, and discuss the course of the game - who made a pass who missed the goal. "

Why the theme is so much: pony, skiing, swimming, football, English, french?

Olesya: "I want him to know much and was free to choose. You know how we were happy when our five-year-old son at the hotel himself came up to the football coach - the Dutchman, spoke to him in English and then quietly trained with English-speaking guys! The topic is able to write, read, count, speaks in three languages, so that you can give the child a cross. Now we will be gradually released him from some (I can not say, unnecessary, they seem important to me). The child should have at least one free day - when he is engaged only by what he wants, - walks, plays, watching movies. By the way, I understood this in its drawings. "


Olesya: "Those who are interested in this topic can refer to specialists or independently look at the Internet: how to interpret children's drawing. For these artists, you can learn a lot about the microclimate in the family. Which of the family members, the child draws a larger size, at what distance you are from each other, do it by hand. Are you standing on earth - if suspended in the air, it means not everything is in order. Well, when the sun is shown in the figure. If there is a pipe in the drawn house, it means that life boils there. The house without windows and doors - it is necessary to root: the child is filled with others. But it is possible to interpret it, and so, and where the truth is best to tell my mother's heart. "

Who Artem wants to become?

Olesya: "I used to be a cosmonaut. For me it is amazing! This in our childhood everyone wanted, like Yuri Gagarin, conquer the expanses of the universe. And in modern children, other interests. Why fly somewhere from your home, eat food from bags. (Laughs.) So the topic pleased me - it means that the boy has imagination. True, now he switched from a space theme to the construction - he loves the "Lego" constructor. In general, the theme is a capable guy, it turns out a lot, and it is still difficult to understand its focus. "

You have become a mom in a conscious age. Thoughts arose: what can I give the child to teach?

Olesya: "I waited for a very long time when I finally manifested this instinct, the desire to have children. And then in my life an event occurred, after which I realized that I could never hear the word "mother" in my address. I got so scary! I caught a segment, and on the same day we began to work on the project. (Laughs.) Thirty with the tail - a great age for motherhood. I advise everyone! "

What family is public, affects your lifestyle?

Olesya: "Of course. For example, I can not go on vacation there, where many compatriots. It is not always possible to explain that I rest. And, honestly, I do not always want to do it. Therefore, we love privacy. Although now I have become quiet to this and got used to it that if we go with the servers to the restaurant, we cannot relax the first fifteen minutes. (Laughs.) We understand Meryozhe that our child grows in a few other conditions than we. He dreams ... ride a tram. And if the topic has already traveled in London on a two-story bus, then "a miracle with horns" while I saw only from the side. Serge in childhood had one-only toy - a plastic machine, and our boy had a toy box. But in something of Artem a much older us at his age. For example, he knows what kindergarten is, and gives the guys to their toys and clothing, and collects them itself. He understands that these kids grow without parents, they do not have such opportunities like him. "

Olesya Sudzilovskaya:

"Mom sometimes says that she misses me small. As a child, I was so joyful, smiling "sunny girl."

Lilia Charlovskaya

One plastic machine - so badly lived or was it a way of upbringing?

Olesya: "Serge's father was a military pilot, General. But, as you understand, the general it became not immediately. Mom traveled with Lieutenant Jebanem on garrisons and took the children first, one, then three. Then the family lived quite modestly. Little Serezha fell asleep next to the diesel generator, who published loud sounds - boom boom boom. And the first time when they moved to another apartment, could not fall asleep because not used to silence ... "

I really liked the model of the world, about which you told in one of the interviews. The core is a child, a woman protects him, and a man is a kind of protective barrier between them and the universe. Apparently, in marriage you found a security.

Olesya: "I had knowledge about this model before, before Serezha appeared in my life. The security found, yes ... my husband does not bring problems at work in the house. But this does not mean that he belongs to me as a kinic lady, the princess on the pea. The information comes to me, but a little later, when all difficulties are already behind. And I am grateful for it! Yes, this "airbag", a shell that protects our little world, we have. "

What are your plans for the new year?

Olesya: "We will spend it here at home. Seryozha always coming up with such surprises! Once he wrote me poems, funny Nekladhi-Neladuhi. They indicated where there is a note indicating the next note and so on. An hour later, joyful and happy, I kept my gift in my hands. And on the contrary stood my solid uncle, a businessman, and shone from happiness. For the new year, we also prepare each other surprises. Be sure to dress up a Christmas tree, we light the fireplace and make a desire. Santa Claus leaves the gifts at night, and its traces remain on the floor to the floor. True, for some reason they resemble traces of daddy boots. (Laughs.) We tried to celebrate the New Year and in warm countries under the palm trees, and in snow snow, but no, everything is not that. This holiday is better to celebrate here, with your Russians, in the snow, with sleigh, christmas trees, with such endless love for the country! "

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