I hate it: how to survive pain parting


Parting is an integral part of our life. They can occur periodically. Undoubtedly, this is a big stress that, despite the negative shade, forms our identity. How to do?

One of the main rules: Understand that time is no longer returned.

No need to cling to memories. The relationship ended, and this is the fact that you need to accept, let it be difficult. Let the idea that this person is no longer in your life, which means you need to let him go. There are situations where, after time, former partners changed and renewed relationships again, but these are already other people - not those who were before. Realize that in the current position you both simply did not have another exit. Allow the once your favorite person is free if you have a little respect for his personality.

Understand that time is no longer returned

Understand that time is no longer returned

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Drink in depressing thoughts

Interestingly, there is more harm to us not so much the situation as negative thoughts that become obsessive over time. They give birth to disappointment in life, begin to urge that ultimately affects the quality of life. Just think - 90% do not take real suffering from the impossibility of being near the person, but the thoughts that we ourselves and give rise to. The reason for these thoughts lies in the repressed aggression and insult to the former partner. You can, of course, try to displace obsessive ideas by favorite hobbies, but the most faithful way is to forgive the person and wish him happiness in new relationships. Do not believe, but this way really works.

Drink in depressing thoughts

Drink in depressing thoughts

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Recognize your right to be happy

A large number of people with comfort are arranged in the position of the victim. After all, it is convenient - no need to take responsibility for your life. Therefore, so often we hear from familiar and colleagues the notorious "no one loves me, I don't need anyone." Such behavior is a clear sign of infantilism. For a mentally healthy person there is no reason for such behavior. It is necessary to enjoy what is happening here and now - despite parting. You need close joyful and vitality. Just think about the fact that you have no significant reason for sadness, it exists only in your consciousness, in fact you are an adult, a healthy person who has everything to enjoy life. You will definitely meet a person again who will not give rise to negative thoughts to be born in your head.

Recognize your right to be happy

Recognize your right to be happy

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

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