Nine common myths about mammoplasty


1. Breast plastic cannot be made to pregnancy, respectively, breastfeeding is prohibited with implants.

It is a myth. Not only research, but also practice shows that the endoprosthetics of the mammary glands does not affect breastfeeding in the future. Patients, after installing implants feed breaches without problems. The only one, it is very important to focus on the installation method of the endoprosthesis, if we go through Arealar (perielaolar access), then there, of course, breast ductures intersect, and there may be a complete or partial disruption of lactation. If we are talking about submammmar access (under the breast), then with this method of installation, the breast ductures will not be affected, and, accordingly, the operation will not affect the lactation and the ability to feed.

2. After Mammoplasty, the chest loses sensitivity

This is a completely individual feature, but to a greater extent depends on access through which the implant was established. Also, often in patients there is an increase in sensitivity, it all depends on the specific case. I can say that loss of sensitivity is more common in some girls who installed an implant through perialaria access. When the implant is installed through submmaarial access, this happens extremely rarely.

Kristina Gorkush

Kristina Gorkush

3. Operation provokes breast cancer

Absolute myth. Moreover, I can say that girls who have increased breasts are much less than developing oncologists. This is due to the fact that the patients are better and more closely followed the breasts and their health, constantly under the supervision of doctors and listen to their body.

4. Implants limit freedom of movement and active lifestyle

According to medical reasons, after the postoperative period, you can return to the usual way of life, and implants will not interfere with anyone. But if, suppose, the girl did a 4-5 breast size, then, of course, some sports will be given to her harder than the rest. And now we have enough sports women. In this case, the big breasts may interfere with them. It is still very important to say that even if small implants are installed, it is still unwanted to engage in an aggressive sport, where there is the possibility of strikes, falls, etc. Since any injury can provoke the problem in this zone. But in ordinary life, they are not a limiter.

5. The shelf life of the implant is about ten years. Then still have to change

Manufacturers such as mentor give a lifetime warranty on their products. It is very difficult to imagine the situation when the implant broke or burst, if it, of course, did not shoot or did not stick to the knife, but if nothing foreshadowed trouble, and the implant was deformed, it is replaced by completely free. Simply put, the implant does not require a replacement after 10, no 30 years old, and producers are so confident as their products, which give a lifetime warranty. The only thing why it can change it is at the request of the patient. We all understand that with the last year our body is changing, we will lose weight, get better, fodder, well, well, no one has canceled the strength of the land, therefore the chest can change its form in such cases and it may be necessary to replace the implant or mastopexy (breast lift ).

6. After the operation, noticeable scars remain

There are only 3 locations where these scars can be located: an armpit area (transaxillary access), under the breast (submammar access), around the Area (periaraoral access). We make a scar in the area of ​​the Area in the zone of transition of the same color to another. The change of colors gives the effect of a more contoured nipple, which looks very beautiful, but if you want to hide this transition, that is, the laser grinding techniques that the zone is converted. But no one has complained so far, usually in this zone there are no strong scars and everything heals very carefully. The Rubber of submammorny fold is usually a small size of 4-5 cm and is located in the area of ​​the brace of the bra, and after healing it becomes barely noticeable. If we generalize the answer, then it is worth saying that each of the possible scars will very quickly heal and eventually becomes distinguishable over time.

7. Rehabilitation after breast increases long and painful

As a rule, rehabilitation takes place in equally and without complications. The first day the girl is observed in the clinic, as complications are manifested in the first day after the operation, for example, hematoma. Then we let go of a girl home for rehabilitation. According to the laws of physiology, swelling increases for three days, and naturally increases the pain and severity in the operation zone, but there is a significant improvement to the fifth. The postoperative period as a whole lasts a month-one and a half, at this time there are some limitations (you can not go to the sauna / bath, raise your hands above the head and wear gravity, strain the muscles of the hands, do not swim with a crawl, etc.), during this period the main thing - Perform all instructions of the doctor. At the expiration of this time, the girls return to the usual way of life.

8. The implant can break, and the contents are spread. And it is also possible to displace the implant

We have already talked a little higher about that it is almost impossible to break the implant only if it is not an accident. But what about the displacements, this is no longer myth is true. It is very important to obey the surgeon, wearing underwear and restrictive clothes. Competent rehabilitation protects against implant shift. There are implants round, which can in general, we manage as you like, we recommend putting the girls-athletes. Also, to protect against the displacement, it is forbidden to roughly hammer the chest, hit, etc., since an implant can be shifted in the far postoperative period. In some cases, a dense fibrous capsule is formed, which either forms a dense contracture, tightening the implant, or, on the contrary, excessive density, which allows the implant to turn over, but all this is solved by surgical correction.

9. Increased breast always looks unnatural

This is not true. It happens, of course, that the girl is very slender, the chest is small and with a fine fat layer, then the implant can be noticeable. But this happens very rarely, since usually the owner of a new breast is soon after surgery cannot add endoprosthesis. So that everything looked as natural and harmoniously possible, it is necessary to correctly, by the parameters of the girl, choose the size of the implant. There is also a saizer system (overhead silicone implants) - overlays are superimposed on the gland, which lead to different volumes, we look at the mirror and the patient comments that it is more like. In America, there is even a test drive system, where you evaluate the volume and go with him a week-other.

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