Meril Strip: "At home I am an ordinary driver and a minider of money"


Don and Meryl are considered one of the most exemplary projects of the "Dream factory". They have four children: Henry (34 years), Mary (31 years old), Grace (28 years old) and Louise (23 years). However, the path fortunately was not the easiest for the actress. This story began in 1976, when Meryl met the actor John Keizel in his path - at that time he was known for Freddie Korleon from the "Cross Father". Roman was rapid and passionate. For the sake of Meryl, John left his wife and, it seemed, no one could destroy their happiness. But after a year, doctors found a lung cancer from John. "I was only twenty-nine years old, and I first did not know how to help a close man, my beloved man, and whether it is possible to change something," remembers Meryl. "I just went crazy from my own impotence." At the same time, her hands lowered - not in her character. She went with John to walk, read him, prepared - did everything to make him at least a bit happy. However, the disease did not spare her beloved - in March 1978 he died. But life, as you know, loves to prevent surprises, and at the most unexpected moment. After the death of Kasela, his wife drove Meryl from the apartment, and she found himself on the street in the literal sense of the word. Trying to help, the elder brother suggested her to live in a don's workshop, which at that time was in Europe. Meril moved, but suddenly the owner of the housing returned to America. And they became friends - in the evening they spent in conversations about life and could not speak. Don did not even care for Meryl, he looked around her. And after a while made an offer. And the actress answered consent. "Donald was sent to me with heaven. This is the most luxurious gift from the life I have ever received, "she is sure today.

Meryl, what is the secret of your thirty-five-year-old union? How many marriage will fall apart ...

Meril Strip: "Oh, my marriage, like any other marriage, is far from perfect. But I always wanted a big family and just not imagine life alone. And in order for dreams to come true, sometimes you need to be able to enjoy your own principles - to show flexibility and stumble on time. Now there are such speeds that the thrust of each other can aby and in three years. Therefore, it is important to learn frankly, not embarrassed, discuss all the problems. "

Yes, recently people stopped talking to each other.

Meryl: "It is. It seems to me that, as part of Western civilization, we began to be afraid of other people, even the closest. Because of this unnecessary fear, in front of others, we lose the deep connection with each other. And then they are very tormented by this - we lack ordinary conversations for souls. Therefore, I do not see the point of keeping something in myself - emotions should be splashing. "

Are you happy?

Meryl: "Of course! After all, I was able to realize not only as an actress, but also as a woman. Although I'm moving a lot, and the breaks did only in those periods when I waited for children. And, by the way, like other people, I have a minute of despondency. And I am terribly grilling, ask Don. "

And yet some secret you have!

Meryl: "Well, if only the ability to cook well and love for ironing clothes." (Laughs.)

Meril Strip:

For the role of "Iron Lady" in the film of the same name, Meril Strip received its third Oscar account. Although the most Margaret Thatcher did not like the picture. Frame from the film.

Cook constantly?

Meryl: "Almost every evening, not counting those when we leave" in the light. " And this happens quite often, I would like even more thank. Usually I come home and take for the preparation of dinner. Sometimes I like it, sometimes not. There are such moments when I'll think of something, I begin to cook, and then I understand that I will not succeed. And I wash off my next culinary masterpiece in the toilet, and Don and children inform you that "today we will eat pizza" (laughs.)

And yet it is difficult to combine such work and the house. I can not imagine how you do it?

Meryl: "In my youth, I worked as a waitress, and I liked when I managed to serve eight tables at the same time. I was very proud of it. Since then, there has been little in my life. Eight tables are my films, children, relatives, friends and cases that I should pay attention. But I cope, and I am proud of it. Just if you have brains - you need to use them. "

What else does a woman believed, which is called one of the smartest actresses in Hollywood?

Meryl: "In the fact that love exists, and not only on the screen, but also in real life. Although it is not so easy to meet a loved one. And if you find it, it doesn't matter what age he and what age: become kneeling and thank God. In general, love, sex and food is what makes people truly happy. So I am a big romantic. "

And you wanted to ever change the world?

Meryl: "Of course, I'm the child of the sixties, hippie! My youth passed during the youth revolution, we were all then ready to turn this world, make it better. I believed that the evil should be punished. And I still feel so I feel, I'm the same as before. Years do not change the person - they grind it. For example, we become less arrogant. I am twenty-five years old was the largest specialist in how and what to play. And now much less sure about that. "

Since then, have you called "Iron Meryl"?

Meryl: "No, it happened after one story. I played in the movie Sidney Pollak "from Africa." They took one piece of the long scene of my arrival in Nairobi, where I take turns to meet and greet all the servants in the estate. From me required the maximum concentration. And suddenly I was closed under the dress some insect and crawling on my leg, then on the back. While I was driven by everything, it was added to the neck. When the team "Stop!" I rang out, I screamed: "Some kind of creature eats me!" After that, Pollak said that he had never encountered such a composure of the camera. "

Is this history of Hollywood, and you began to offer the role of strong and powerful women?

Meryl: "I was always offered to me, and I always agreed. Although most people do not like women leaders. Did you notice this? The world is not ready to hear "no" from the mouth of a woman. Because "no" is an insult. Such a woman will instantly name the stroke. "

And what would you like to change in yourself?

Meryl: "I would like to react easier to all. And I would like many of my duties to shift the assistants. But it seems that I will never do that, because everyone strives to do it myself. I can not stop controlling everything that happens. I also complicate my life because I do not know how to use the computer. I write everything from hand, including letters. My husband says: "You must have four templates, a form for one type of writing, a form for another ... All use it." But I probably have some wrong set of genes for this. "

Meril Strip:

In the role of Julia Child in the comedy "Julie and Julia: we are preparing happiness on the recipe." Frame from the film.

It turns out, the Great Meryl Strip is the most ordinary person?

Meryl: "Yes! And besides absolutely unorganized, although I try to be assembled. And I would really like to be similar to my mother. She was a source of happiness - funny, curious. I never lost the presence of the Spirit, always was in a great mood and joked above myself. For me, it measured all the advantages - the ability to relate with humor to yourself. And this is what I'm trying to teach my children. "

Do you have a trust relationship with them?

Meryl: "To be honest, our relationship was not always cloudless. Do not just say so: "Small kids are small dishes." Because the teenage period is some kind of solid nightmare: dispute for any reason! But time passes, and everything becomes in its place. God baits everything. With age, children become your friends. "

Believe in God?

Meryl: "I do not follow any doctrine and does not belong to the Church, Temple, Synagogue or Ashram. But I do not exclude the possibility of the fact that God exists. You know, there is a Jewish proverb: "The truths are taught from the misfortunes." And I superstitious enough to believe her. "

Does your husband don? Does he usually take your side or the side of children?

Meryl: "We try to do all together: I am a" bad policeman, "who punishes when a" good policeman ", father, says" yes "and everything allows everything. Parents after all exist in order to serve children. Because children are stars, the main creatures in the universe, and I believe it. At the same time, I understand very well that if I had not been filmed in the cinema, I would bring my homework my mind. But when all my chicks come to the weekend, I put the apron and get up to the stove. And in general, at home I did not measure the strip, but an ordinary driver and a minider of money. "

Meril, and you remember well as a child?

Meryl: "Oh, more than. (Laughs.) I was a freak, guffic duckling, dark hair and glasses made me like an old woman. All this lasted until I was fifteen years old when I, quite literally, made a revolution! I repainted into the blonde, took off my bracket from the teeth, put the lenses and became the queen of beauty. "

At the same time, did you argue that the appearance for you does not mean anything?

Meryl: "It is! But I always remembered the words of Catherine Denev: "At a certain age, a woman has to choose - either face or figure." I chose a face, although I never considered the appearance as a trump card and did not play this card. I think for actress anxiety about how she looks like, a terrible trap. For example, thirty thought that thick. And now I look at the "Kramer vs. Kramer" and see: there was nothing to worry, I was not complete. But even if it were, it is not a reason for experiences. Like my nose. "


Meryl: "Yes, because it is still very long. In his youth, I even tried to change it, but then I realized that my nose is my character. "

Meril Strip:

In the film "The Devil wears" Prada "Meryl Strip played a bitch careerist, but in real life the actress assures that the main thing is for her - the family. Frame from the film.

And how do you feel about fashion?

Meryl: "In childhood, when I was a schoolgirl, every Sunday before the academic week I prepared my clothes for five days ahead - so that nothing was repeated. Yes, yes, it was like pathology, and then everything went. I am indifferent to fashion as well as, let's say, to football. Of course, I like some kuturier, Valentino, for example. But it is like a designer, in terms of its achievements. Probably, there is no substance in me, which is all around the glamor. Pay for a bag two thousand euros? Dismiss! Yes, I will better wear cosmetic bag in my teeth! And I will spend this money for charity. "

Nevertheless, it is necessary to dress up, at least on "Oscar"?

Meryl: "That's for sure. (Laughs.) You know, my mother has always been surprised and said: "Meril, why can't you just enjoy the process - to go to Oscar and get pleasure from this?" And every time I answer the same thing: "I can't and all, well, I do not like, when thousands of and thousands of eyes look at me, I am much more comfortable to stay at home with family."

How did you become an actress?

Meryl: "Apparently, this is fate! (Laughs.) Because still every time in my first shooting day I experience the attack of acting neurasthenia. I exhaust myself, tormented and in the end I cease to understand why I missed all this. Strange, right? But Don believes that this is my way of acting to destroy yourself, to feel a clean page. "You just need to start first, with a blank sheet," he once said to me. Now it is my motto. This is the most valuable advice that anyone gave me in life. The main thing is to take the first step, the rest will apply. "

Especially when the proposals from the directors roll on all sides?

Meryl: "In fact, I get only three interesting scenarios a year, can you imagine that? And in two of them, the role is absolutely not for me. Therefore, if you manage to play in one film, I believe that I was unheard of lucky. And just happy when such a project is located, my heart begins to beat more often. I can even hear him, about this - boom-boom boom boom, and I think: "Hurray, a new job!"

Soon we will see you as witches in the fairy tale of Rob Marshall "The farther in the forest." Why did you agree to this project?

Meryl: "Well, who does not like fairy tales? I read the script, and I really liked the fact that a variety of stories gathered, collected together: Cinderella, Red Cap, Rapunzel, Jack with bean grain. And all these characters are synthesized into a completely new plot. Very fascinating story turned out. "

And did not embarrass what your heroine is not the most attractive person?

Meryl: "Not at all. I remember when I was forty years old, for one summer I was offered the roles of three witches at once. And I thought: "Well, that's all, Meryl, rushed." And then it turned out that there is nothing terrible - the witches are also different. In addition, I really hope that the son will look at our film and will like it. And he always shunted that I was not shot in horror meters. This is not a horror, of course, but a fairy tale, but sometimes terrible. In addition, I really like to sing. " (Laughs.)

Yes, you get to sing wonderful!

Meryl: "Thank you. (Smiles.) You know, few people fall a chance to play a role in a magical fabulous fantasy under charming music. Rob Marshall is a wonderful director, with a stunning musical one, thin-catching inner rhythm and the pace of episode, almost like a conductor. "

Meril Strip:

In the film "Silkwood" Meril Streep got the role of a girl with a non-traditional orientation, and Kurt Russell played her friend. Frame from the film.

And with whom from the director do you like to work?

Meryl: "I do not have a favorite director, just like there is no beloved color or dishes. I like everything. Although sometimes I dream of working together with Martin Schorezé. "

And who would you never work with?

Meryl: "Oh, how difficult it is! I'll just tell you the story. I was twenty-six years old when I decided to try myself in a movie and went to the casting to get the main female role in the movie "King Kong." Producer Dino de laurentis, thinking that I do not understand anything, said in Italian: "Why did you send me this pig? This woman is so ugly! ". And I answered him on an impeccable Italian: "I am very sorry that I disappointed you." Since then, our paths have never intersected anymore. "

How do you manage to reincarnate so much in your heroine? What helps you?

Meryl: "In each of them, there is something from me itself, so it is easy. I try on them as trying to dresses, and I agree to the role only if I find out myself, reading the script. As if carefully considering a photo, I woke her in my hands and I conclude: I am this or still someone else? And I also help me. "


Meryl: "Yes, because I am very lazy. But when the work appears, I'm going, concentrating - everything because of the fear of failure. It turns out my driving forces - fear and laziness. " (Laughs.)

Meryl, and you can imagine yourself out of cinema not removed?

Meryl: "Of course! The family was and remains for me the main value. I think it will not change until I put me in the grave. Now I work productively and happy. But someday this period will end, and I do not see anything terrible. "

What do you want now most?

Meryl: "Grandchildren, of course! Someone from the great said that the meaning of life is to enjoy the flow of time, and I completely agree with this. "

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