With a dream of India


Since the time of Vasco, the Gama, and then Afanasius Nikitina, mysterious India maniles travelers from all over the world. They say that one who visited this country immediately and forever changes consciousness. In such subtle matters we will not go go away, but let's talk about Indian cosmetology today.

It is believed that the basic principles of safe and at the same time incredibly effective cosmetology were formulated by Indian specialists in Ayurved, six thousand years ago. The main principle: in the composition of all means there must be exceptionally natural natural ingredients - flowers, herbs, milk, fruits and vegetables, and also - powders (bass) of precious metals, stones and minerals.

These principles today successfully use cosmetologists of all countries. Therefore, in order to touch the ancient beauty-culture of India, it is not at all necessary to go on a long journey. We will tell you about the funds that can be found with us in Russia.

We collect cotton

After the protracted colds, our skin requires active moisturizing. Of course, for this you need to reconsider the entire contents of your cosmetics, changing daytime and night care products. And for emergency care, alginate masks are perfect, which, every year, more and more fans appear.

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At the heart of the moisturizing alginate mask "India" from the Russian brand GI BEAUTY - the extract of cotton flowers and avocado oil. The extract is obtained from cotton growing on India plantations. This ingredient is responsible for the formation of full collagen, and also normalizes intracellular exchange, increases cellular immunity. And avocado oil, the storehouse of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements, nourishes the skin, restores damaged and weakened cells.

The mask is sold in the form of a powder: you only need to pour the contents of water temperature, stir so that there are no lumps, and apply on the face. Wait about twenty minutes. If you feel easy tingling, it means everything is excellent: this is a normal skin reaction to the effects of biologically active substances. When the mass is frozen, it will turn into a rubber mask, which is easily removed by one movement. Yes, and do not forget: the effect of the application of the mask will be noticeable if you before pre-apply serum or nutrient oil.

Experts advise to use this mask two or three per week. But the result is a soft moisturized velvety skin - will be noticeable after the first time. Checked!

Lotus flower

Since ancient times, a lotus extract is used in Indian cosmetology. After all, he is rich in flavonoids - natural antioxidants, contributing to the preservation of health and youth skin. Lotus extract tones and restores the skin, strengthens the intercellular membranes and enhances the microcirculation of blood. Therefore, in India, the lotus extract was used for whitening the skin, getting rid of points and spots on the skin, as well as for moisturizing. But today's professionals of the cosmetic industry actively use this ingredient in their own means.

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It is the lotus extract that is contained in the Make-Up Expert line from NIVEA for simple and efficient care for different types of skin when using makeup. "2 in 1" moisturizing cream fluid with vitamin E protects normal and combined skin. "2 in 1" moisturizing cream fluid with calendula extract takes care of dry and sensitive skin. In addition to the main care cream with grape seed oil for sensitive skin around the eyes. Each woman can choose that the means that suits her by type of leather, and will be in complete confidence: it will receive a full daily care.

Coconut Paradise

Coconut oil in India is used both to power the hair and body and face skin. Also coconut oil is a natural sanskrin - protection against harmful ultraviolet. That is why before going to rest in hot countries, you should prepare your skin. For example, go to the solarium. But necessarily grabbing a couple of useful jars for this.

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Megatan has a whole line "Coconut Tropic", the products of which help to get the perfect shade, extend its durability and at the same time to moisten the skin. Tanning lotions in solarium from Megatan provide an effective tan, the most carefully causing the skin during the session in the solarium and after it.

In the production of MEGATAN cosmetics, only high-quality ingredients, selected oils, natural plant extracts and vitamins are used. In addition to coconut oil, in the means of "Coconut Tropic" there are vitamin E, aloe extract, bisabolol, shea oil, cocoa butter and almond oil. As a result, you get a quick and resistant tan, and the skin becomes soft and velvety.

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And in the SEXY Black line, lotions are presented, powerful tanning accelerators with bright juicy tropical flavors, which are also so famous for India and other countries of this region. The basis of the series - harmoniously chosen components that will help to acquire a magnificent natural dark shade.

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