All you need to know about Hair SPA-Care


Modern hair care programs are striking with their diversity, and special attention is paid to SPA-procedures. Hair-SPA is a set of events aimed at improving the condition of hair and scalp. Usually they include professional techniques to restore and strengthen hair, ranging from all sorts of massages and ending with therapeutic masks, balsams, the use of phyto and aromatherapy.

Each salon, which offers SPA services, has its own techniques, protocols procedures and the choice of specialized cosmetic care lines. You can bring a lot of arguments why the cabin care is to prefer home:

➢ Using professional programs, we can remove secant tips, restore the hair after clarification, staining, chemical curvage, significantly improve the condition of thin, weakened, damaged hair.

➢ Only a specialist will be able to conduct competent diagnosis of hair and scalp, consider all customer needs, pick up suitable care products, solve the problems of oily or dry skin.

➢ SPA hair care has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, relieves stress and emotional tension, allows you to relax from urban bustle and eternal zeietic.

➢ SPA-across hairprocesses are perfectly combined with cosmetic skin care and body skin care, which will be especially pleasant and useful. For several hours spent in the cabin, you can transform from the tips of the fingers to the tips of the hair.

➢ To go to the salon behind the SPA care is also because the newest and advanced developments in the field of aesthetics and beauty at first come to professional lines, and only after some time, they will partly adopt the mass market products. Professional tools solve problems of hair and scalp quickly and efficiently, and the result is noticeable after the first procedure.

➢ Specialists thoroughly know the products with which they work, and may choose to each client an individual combination of funds, a decisive task.

However, if you have serious hair problems, for example, they fall out intensively or the skin of the head is covered with dandruff, it is better to appeal to a trichologist who will assign a series of analyzes to find out the true cause of problems, and will write appropriate treatment. And after consultation with a specialist, medical prescriptions can be combined with coursework SPA procedures.

All according to plan

What is usually a SPA-procedure for hair? As a rule, any of them begins with cleansing. It is necessary to prepare the skin of the head to the better penetration of nutrients at the subsequent stages. It can be washing with shampoo-selected hair or peeling. The latter is needed for oily scalp, as well as in the presence of dandruff. Peeling cleans the skin from excess sebum, layering of styling agents and horny scales, opens the pores. The point is, dead cells are clogged by the mouth of the hair follicles, which is why the hair is thinned and grow worse. Regular exfoliation makes it possible to solve this problem and significantly improve the condition of the oily, prone to the formation of dandruff skin of the head.

The cabin can use both mechanical and chemical peeling. Mechanical exfoliation, as a rule, is performed using an abrasive based on the bones of apricot or a walnut shell, which is applied to the hair of the head with special massage movements and is then washed off with warm water. For more intensive purification, chemical peeling with nicotine, citrus and lactic acids is used. This combination of acids actively moisturizes the skin, removes dandruff, reduces the signs of seborrhea, contributes to the updating of cells, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin fibers, which makes hair strong and elastic. Peeling is applied to the dirty skin head, keeps a few minutes and washed away with water, then - shampoo (restoring or moisturizing). In one procedure, abrasive and chemical peeling can be combined, which are mixed in various proportions.

It should be borne in mind that the impact of chemical acids is extremely undesirable soon after dyeing hair, as well as if the head of the head is irritated or damaged, sores.

After shampoo, a hair type mask is usually applied, where a pair of drops of caring base oils are added, which helps to smooth out the hair cuticle and give the brilliance.

For the greatest effect in turn can go thermal impact. For this, the masks use the mushrooms - the device with infrared lamps. Infrared rays warm the hair and skin, stimulates the operation of blood vessels and contribute to the best penetration of beneficial ingredients. In addition, the essential components of oils and other components of the mask, creating an aromatic, relaxing atmosphere, are active in heated air.

Instead of a climazone, the technique of hot towels is also used. The procedure consists in wrapping the head with fittings in a special apparatus towels. During the session, there are 3-4 shifts of the towel - as soon as one begins to cool, it is changed to a new one, hot. Thus, the hair impregnated with mask or oils remains constantly warm, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the assimilation of the applied composition. Not to mention that this is a very pleasant, pulling tension, the procedure, in the process of which the soft massage of the head is performed on top of the towels.

After the set time expires, the mixture is washed off with water. Then the air conditioner is applied to the hair or the incisible spray, chosen under your individual needs. Several similar procedures - and your hair will shine no worse than beautiful advertising pictures!

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