6 simple rules how to look younger


Rule number 1. Flip into childhood

Remember how you carelessly rejoiced everything in childhood. For this, there was no important reason for this, it was enough that the sun shines and the birds sing. Erase a serious mine from the face and just smile. I understand that with unaccustomed it is difficult, but an adult, responsible person - does not mean gloomy and attached cargo of worries.

Fool with children sometimes useful

Fool with children sometimes useful


Learn in children. Cut up more time with them, play, walk, dishes - they will share with you youth. Smile and some children's viability regarding this world will automatically make you younger in the eyes of others. And after a while they are accustomed.

Rule number 2. Surprise and admire

Surprise everything new, and most importantly - people. Look at them in childish, with delight, make them compliments - they love it. Maybe at first it will look nigino, but do not despair, try.

As Agatha wrote Christie: "In the case of men, a lot of faces there is no a lot." Directly delight causes positive emotions. And a woman who gives these emotions seems much more attractive and young than her rows that grumble and criticize.

Mortify the world and people

Mortify the world and people


With women, this psychological reception also works. The whole secret in children's complexes - we are taken to be strict with kids, once again not to show your love, be a lot of emotions. Therefore, in adulthood, a person is easily amenable to affection and praise. If at a meeting with a person to immediately make him a compliment, it doesn't matter what reason it will feel the location and sympathy for you.

Rule number 3.Be open new

Develop your intelligence. Read anything other than women's sites and television programs. If you are an interesting interlocutor, learn something, develop, then you are attractive.

Learn never late

Learn never late


A woman, with burning eyes telling about the stock market quotes in the stock market, much more attractive than a housewife that retells you another scandal in "House-2".

Rule number 4. Enough to whine

Let's start with the fact that the thought is material, and all your moans and discontent with life you send to the "ether" and, accordingly, get back. Well, and besides, who wants to communicate with the loser, whom is all bad? What's the point of this? If you hope that you will regret, it is unlikely. They regret the patients, poor, old people, and what are they related to youth and beauty? By the way, exclude communication with whots, they do not carry anything good, but the failures are infectious as a windmill.

Netics are not interesting to anyone

Netics are not interesting to anyone


Rejoice in life, thank you for what you have, configure yourself to positive. However, neither wildly sounds, but talk to the mirror, make yourself a complimination, memorize the arithmation and say them as a prayer several times a day.

"All people are like people, and I have a beautiful woman!" - Says TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, looking at himself in the mirror in the morning. And it works!

Rule number 5. Always on a positive

Be always in a good mood is a work that requires daily work. Everything is always smooth and good does not have anyone. The main thing is how to see it, how to treat it.

Problems? Just a new experience

Problems? Just a new experience


From suffering and experiences benefits no, try to benefit from the situation. After all, in essence, all troubles and problems are just another life task that requires a solution. After it, we acquire a new experience, become more perfect, wiser. "We will survive this trouble", most importantly - with a smile.

Rule number 6. Be easy to rise

We are all like circus horses, used to run in a circle: house-work. It's time to break off this vicious practice, otherwise you can really build up, without learning, not seeing, without feeling how this world is beautiful.

Use any chance, any proposal, any open door - who knows, maybe your happiness, and you miss everything, sitting at home for a TV, refusing a meeting with classmates or invitations to a picnic. Spontaneity, unpredictability is a sign of youth! Remember how in twenty years fled with girlfriends to the cinema, happily and without thinking about it, so what has changed?

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