3 The main causes of pathological jealousy


Pathological jealousy harms not only its owner, but also to the people around him. This condition can lead to loss of control, which in turn represents a threat to society. It is important to help a person in time, preventing trouble in the family.

What is jealousy?

This obsessive state leads to a person's suffering, although he does not have a real reason for this. All that he is experiencing is difficult to overcome alone. The thoughts of the jealous were not allowed to fall asleep, completely mastered by consciousness. A person can make rapid acts, without even thinking about the consequences. Many publications call this state "Othello syndrome". So called jealousy, which beyond the framework of generally accepted norms. Usually paranoid thoughts, obsessive ideas and asocial behavior flow out of it.

Jealousy in itself is only peculiar to people

Jealousy in itself is only peculiar to people

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

When a person begins to wander, constantly suspecting his partner - these are the main signs of pathological jealousy. A man is looking for a reason for his assumptions all the time, but almost never confirmed.

Causes of pathological jealousy

The jealousy itself is peculiar only to people. This acquired state, in contrast to common rivalry in nature.

The main reason is insecurity , such people react very subtly to events that go beyond their understanding. The jealies are very disturbing, prone to neurosis.

Like many psychological problems, Jealousy "grows" from kindergarten injuries For example, if a child witnessed betrayal and subsequent disassembly of adults. This situation remains in his memory forever.

Especially acute this situation is worried about men

Especially acute this situation is worried about men

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

When it comes to divorce, children often incorrectly interpret the reasons for the separation of parents, considering it later that strong relationships are possible only if the partner is near, and for this it needs to be held.

From here and an incorrect model of building healthy adult relations appears.

The second cause of pathological jealousy may be a decrease in libido . For example, once in the past, a person failed during an intimate meeting with the opposite sex. It is important to consider how the partner responded to this. Having received an unpleasant experience, a person loses faith in his sexual opportunities and begins to doubt his attractiveness. Especially acute this situation is experiencing men. Frequent fear of men - the assumption that their sexual body does not correspond to the expectations of the ladies of interest to their interests, experiences begin, and whether he can satisfy it.

A man is trying to somehow change the situation, protecting what, in his opinion, belongs only to him, in this case - a woman, he is trying to control his partner. Gradually, it is beginning to attend thoughts: since he cannot satisfy his woman, it means that she is sure to seek adventures on the side.

If you firmly decided to continue relations with your partner, then the problem can be solved

If you firmly decided to continue relations with your partner, then the problem can be solved

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

The third reason is unsuccessful experience in building a long relationship. If his previous gap is associated with the desire of a partner, and not on his own initiative, a person becomes suspicious to everyone. The obsessive fear that the situation will repeat again, inexorably leads a person to the described state - it begins to unreasonably jealous. The situation often "heated" ill-wishers, such as neighbors, relatives and some friends. A person can start drinking against the background of internal experiences, becoming not just a pathological jealous, but also a chronic alcoholic.

What to do if the jequinist appeared in your life?

If you firmly decided to continue relations with your partner, you can not do without the help of a specialist. Most likely, the psychotherapist will prescribe drugs to suppress depression and eliminate neurotic attacks, but also the assistance of a psychologist who will work with your partner his past and will do everything possible to restore self-esteem and change its approach to life.

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