Inspire in the spring: horoscope for May



In May, the Aries will acquire the status of publishing the public - they admire, imitate and envy. It is with envying around you and you have to be careful. It is necessary to monitor what you are talking to try not to share plans for the future.


Tales are determined and confident, because the coming May will give them many opportunities to act and decide finally all their problems. Boldly check repair or moving, conclude transactions - no unpleasant surprises!


Not a very successful month for twins, whose literally falls out of the hands. The reason for this could be the unsuccessful romance, who left an indelible mark in the heart. To get out of the situation, it is worthy, do it yourself.


Representatives of the Cancer Sign will not be easy not to succumb to numerous temptations that are so pursued by their last spring month. But the stars warn: Going about passions, you risk naigted trouble. Unlock free days.

a lion

Now the lions have to take some difficult solutions, which will depend on their further career. Do not hurry and do not customize fate: the answers will come closer towards the end of the month. To reset the accumulated stress, turn on the creative veil.


Whatever the virgas say now, all their words and actions will be perceived in the bayonets - both relatives and friends and colleagues. Perhaps the whole thing in your manner of communication. The desired statements are not the style that will come up in this May, even despite the high position.


Scales are now in a beautiful dreamy mood, and so will continue until the end of the month. So that neither random people nor circumstances violated your serene bliss, try not to enter into unexpected conflicts at work (and the risk is great).


The scorpions are complex, the busy period - now all the urgent affairs and obligations accumulated for the spring. In order not to earn a nervous breakdown, pay at least five minutes daily gymnastics, sign up into the pool or pilates.


A stormy novel, which began in March, to May can turn into something really serious. But do not hurry with conclusions and solutions, weigh all the "for" and "against" and take a small pause. Do not worry: the necessary people from your life will not disappear.


Representatives of the Capricorn sign are a bit sad, although there are no visible reasons. Seasonal Handra, which usually comes in autumn, covered them in the brightest month of the year. Do not oppose the mood, let yourself be thoughtful and silent.


Aquarius will risk, silence money and burn free time in the company of acquaintances. Surprisingly, this lifestyle will benefit to you - the motion will not affect the wallet, and new people will become reliable business partners.


May is the best season for traveling closed and restrained fish, and it is better to plan a trip to a small company. In other decorations, the environment will not annoy you and unwind, on the contrary: there is an opportunity to get contacts.

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