Course on a positive: how to stop cheating


Each of us is characteristic of it to periodically be sad about and without, but many delaying the depressive state, from which it is not so easy to get out. So how to preserve a mental balance, when negative thoughts do not think to let go? knows the answer.

Take care of sports

Even simple charging is able to distract you from unpleasant thoughts. Pick up a complex of simple exercises that you can easily perform at home, and do not be lazy to perform them at least every other day. During active physical activity, the body produces endorphins that give a great mood, and the shape tighten. Try!

Avoid negative topics

Anxious people tend to exaggerate the importance of the problem, even if everyone is talking about the opposite. If you know that any stressful situations or news are able to knock you out of a gauge, try to discuss negative news as little as possible, do not scroll them in your head. Find a way to distract, for example, listen to your favorite music, turn on the podcast on a completely opposite topic or just go to bed for a few hours to give the brain to relax.

Live today's day

Live today's day


Talk to loved ones

There is nothing worse than staying alone with your thoughts that do not allow to live normally. If there is no possibility to talk in person personally, call relatives or a close friend on video links and tell me about what you worry. As a rule, sober opinion on the part will help you look at the situation at a different angle, which will greatly facilitate your mental torments.

Live today's day

We are so afraid of the future and worry because of the past, that we do not have time at all today. While you scroll out the scripts of the future, you miss the precious time that you could spend with your relatives or for your favorite activity. Think than you could do right now.

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