Flowers who are dangerous to keep in the apartment


Whether you noticed that periodically in your house fail the electrical appliances, the mood of the whole family is often spoiled, or you have some trouble. A similar negative is quite difficult to drive. But do not despair, houseplants will come to the rescue, and if more precisely - flowers. Everyone knows that they purify the house from bad energy.

However, do not hurry to the store or market behind the cherished pot, not all the flowers are equally useful and may well be not just useless, but also harm. Some of them absorb your positive energy, as a result of which you become talkative. What colors to look at, and which bypass the side, we will now tell.

Each plant has its own characteristics, thanks to which you can create a personal life and suffer the full collapse. Especially carefully you need to choose plants when the family members are unresistrated from the harmful effects of the family - old people and children.

Dangerous flowers can be divided into several types:

Vampires. Those the most that are taken from you by vital energy, launching negative from the outside.

Blockers. They impede luck on your life.

With negative energy. Incompatible energy with households. Usually their shape is pointed.

The violet can become a serious obstacle to a happy personal life.

The violet can become a serious obstacle to a happy personal life.


As a rule, in every residential room there are plants that speak a lot about the energy atmosphere in the house. If you have noticed yellow leaves, it suggests that there is a sick person in the house.

Beautiful, at first glance, violet It can become a serious obstacle to a happy personal life. Lonely people are generally desirable to bypass her face. Purchase a viper, especially lilac color, can only be able to live with a partner for a long time. In this situation, it will only show itself from a positive side.

Similar symptoms introduce into our lives and camellia . Do not even hope for a passionate relationship if the house has this flower.

Do not even hope for a passionate relationship if there are Camellia in the house

Do not even hope for a passionate relationship if there are Camellia in the house


Lonely woman will be the best to look at Orchid and Spathifylumu . Just put them in your bedroom and wait for positive changes.

Unwanted "residents" in the house will be curly plants. It is possible to plant them only outside the house: so they prevent the passage of the negative inside. At the very premises of the belongings, it takes too much space and take good energy.

Ivy does not contribute to the attraction of men to the house

Ivy does not contribute to the attraction of men to the house


Plants that can not be kept in the house:

Ivy. It feeds on good energy in large quantities, does not contribute to the attraction of men into the house.

Another "vampire" is Diffenbahia It has a property to absorb energy and is a danger to small rooms.

If you are not a medium, you should not land around the house lilac , because it usually grows close to cemetery. Although there are different points of view on this account, lilac alone shares positive energy and has a chic odor.

If you are constantly nervous, you should pay attention to the camellia - it helps to develop hidden capabilities.

Cacti will be suitable for young women who have overwhelmed by the opposite sex. "Kolyuk" will be salvation from the obsessive attention of the opposite sex. Also, the cactus is well attached to the house in calm people, he will give them cheerfulness.

Cacti will fit young women

Cacti will fit young women


So, you own information regarding the choice of plants, but most importantly, rely on your taste and preferences. You can buy a violence, if she sobbed into your soul, and take a neutralizing flower to her, then harmony in your home settles for a long time.

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