Grandma said: Myths from the past about raising children


Time is going, everything around changes, but many things in our consciousness remain unchanged. These are the very myths that live in our head and are not going to disappear anywhere, especially if it comes to our family. Namely, children. We thought and made a selection of the most common and vital myths about the education of the younger generation.

Myth 1. Children need to teach

Probably, this is one of the most firmly sitting in the minds of myths, and no one encroaches on exposure.

When we say "to raise", most often meaning "insist" what you need "just so and in no way", "control", "subordinate". All this interferes with the normal flow of family life, brings many quarrels, conflicts and misunderstandings of parents with children.

So that man rose happy, you just need to love him

So that man rose happy, you just need to love him


Many generations of parents are confident that without these "truths", the child will not be able to grow up on his feet and join society.

But psychologists are convinced: so that the man rose a happy and "right" adults, you just need to love him, interested in his life and himself to be the person from whom the child wants to take an example.

Often adults seem to be that only because the child is small and does not know how to do some of those things that parents know, the latter have the right to impose their own worldview to the heir.

Myth 2. The child is "raw version of the adult"

Some adults seems to be their child - an ordinary adult, only small growth. It just needs to be slightly "tightening" to their level.

But in childhood, the baby is absolutely not necessary to know about the political situation in the country and oil prices, it still lives in parallel from adult world, it is slightly simpler, but no less important.

Children may find unusual in the simplest things.

Children may find unusual in the simplest things.


So far, it does not exist for him that the parents describe. He cannot understand that after the institute there is life, for him these frameworks are blurred.

Children can find unusual in the simplest things that are not available to many adults and smart people.

So the children are none adults, it is completely different creatures, do not take this world from them, they will still have time to grow.

Myth 3. Children need to develop hard

In the modern world, many young families think about the development of their child. Moms often reflect whether they are doing a lot to ensure that their child develops correctly and, most importantly, intensively. When modern fashion trends and their unrealized dreams, young mothers begin the program on the enhanced development of their baby.

It should be understood that at different ages in children have different opportunities for obtaining and processing incoming information.

At a certain age, the child needs to offer more games so that it could distinguish forms and colors, and in absolutely different age he will be more appropriate for the developing games for logic.

In our country, education since the last century is being built to the cult. Therefore, in connection with too early and intensive development, many children have some delay in mental development and problems are beginning with the solution of logical tasks.

Let the child best satisfy his needs to study the surrounding world, then he will be able to develop correctly, following its own natural settings. After some time, he himself will show interest in a certain area, and then you can close to the development of this quality. But this does not mean that it is necessary to completely throw educational classes, it is important to observe the measure.

Children - no adults, it is completely different creatures

Children - no adults, it is completely different creatures


Children appeared in our world not in order to implement our desires and justify expectations, you need to give them freedom of expression and finally get rid of the inactive buildings.

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