Alexander Rogov: "There are no ugly women, there are only non-heavy"


Every week, Alexander Rogov, the lead show "Hurry up for 24 hours," turns the life of one girl in a fairy tale, giving her not only a new image, but also confidence. asked the stylist and the fashion expert about how he succeeds.

- Alexander, in the show you turn the girls to beauties. Have there been cases when someone did not like the result?

- Agreeing to participate in our program, the heroine is deprived of the rights of the voting in this sense. They can only tell about the goal for which they want to change, but do not dictate conditions, therefore it happens differently. So, one of the participants remained not completely satisfied with what happened. Despite this, the girl went to the event in the way that we came up with her, because these are the rules of the game.

- Many girls passed through your hands. Does any of them remember you most?

- I remember everyone, but probably the most touching for me was the release with a girl raising a child with disabilities. Just this situation is very similar to the one in the life of my native sister. It was a broadcast, in which I cried with the heroine: I told her about my sister, about what I understand her, perhaps, like no other on the set, namely, what is the life of a special child in our country. Then we needed to raise her self-esteem and make yourself believe; And I think we did.

- How long is the set of clothes for the participant?

- The things we offer are bought in ordinary stores and are available absolutely to everyone. We often use clothing from the mass market, mixture and can afford to go, for example, in a discount shop to fit the dress from Dolce & Gabbana.

- How to learn how to be stylish, pick up clothes and accessories?

- If we talk about an effective shopping, you need to visit those departments that you know, and not just chaotically run around the entire shopping center. Once in the store, you do not need to be afraid to try on what was never taken into hand. The main rule: before buying a thing, you need to come up with three or four sets with it and what is already available.

- How to update the wardrobe, possessing very modest finances?

- The main thing is to live by means. You can look great for any money, if only you were neat, neat and clean, so that clothes sat on you well and was a good one. If the wallet does not allow much, it is better to buy one coat of average cost than a few cheap and bad quality, and then relate to them as rags.

- You yourself can afford to get out of the house not at full parade?

- I treat my appearance extremely connivors. And every time I meet with someone from my acquaintances, who deals with beauty, tell me: "Sash, and you use the cream under your eyes?" And I answer: "Yes, I beg you, what kind of eye cream?! I do not even remember where he stands for me. "

- Your program is called "Time for 24 hours", and what do you have time to do in 24 hours?

- I can already conduct trainings on time management, because I carefully plan a day per day. And really spent a lot - it is sports, and meeting with private clients, of course, shooting, interviews, even read. Although, like many, I dream that there were no 24 hours in the days, and at least 28 or 30. And that it would be enough to turn into reality even more ideas and plans.

- Finish the phrase: there are no ugly women, there are ...

- Only negleous. It is proven personally by me!

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