5 tips: what to save on journey in Europe, and what's not worth


Tip №1

Even if you are different health, do not save on medical insurance. Of course, unnecessary two thousand rubles you can come in handy for more pleasant goals. But if something happens with you during rest - injury, illness, bite of an exotic animal, then the treatment will also cost thousands, only dollars or euros.

Medicine in Europe is good but dear

Medicine in Europe is good but dear


Tip №2.

Airlines regularly arrange sales. 10 thousand and you are in another country. But the price is cheap mainly at the Loupes, which save literally on everything. Armchairs are narrow and uncomfortable, nutrition and baggage are missing. Some companies are not allowed to carry with them buying even from Duty Free.

Do you have enough one backpack?

Do you have enough one backpack?


Tip number 3.

Save on hotels is also dangerous. It does not only seem to you that you will "only spend the night" there, many neighbors have a different opinion. Therefore, in Milan, you can get comrades from your city, who have decided to note the arrival, Chinese, at 5 am brewing doširak, and in the night, expressive disassembly of passionate Italians. Before booking the room, look at the estimate of the hotel, read the reviews, you often write important details in them.

Neighbors are different

Neighbors are different


Tip number 4.

Sometimes it is better to pay more expensive for the room than to ride through the entire proud of transport. Look for a hotel on Google maps to know what is located in neighboring buildings. For example, what's the point of sharing in the suburbs if you want to inspect the city center? Do not forget, this is lost time. By the way, transport in Europe is essential more than Russian.

View from the window - important

View from the window - important


Tip number 5.

And if you throw away the most expensive travel component - the plane? On the car you can see more beautiful places, but sleep a couple of hours, tired on the road. But here other expenses appear: insurance for the car, paid roads and parking lots. Gasoline there quite silence, and fines are just draconian.

Perky if a good driver

Perky if a good driver


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