"Prick of Beauty": Hurry up to the New Year


What kind of modern rejuvenating programs should be chosen and why? Let's try to figure out. We have collected the most frequent issues related to the "injections of beauty", and tried to give understandable answers.

Botox injections and various phillers have become an ordinary cosmetic procedure - simple and safe. But which of them are more effective?

Of course, it became the usual phenomenon, because the result is always predictable. However, for greater effect, we recommend combining and all the well-known Botox, and Fillers that fill wrinkles from the inside. As for the latter, the drugs are new on the basis of a natural humidifier - hyaluronic acid appeared not so long ago. With it, the lost contours will be returned to the face. The drug also contains anesthetic, so injections are completely painless.

At what age does it make sense to resort to rejuvenation procedures?

It is necessary to solve individually because one woman has the first wrinkles may appear at 35 years old, and in another - at 30.

Is there fashion for the features of the face?

Sure. If the patients came with a photo of Angelina Jolie and asked to make them exactly the same lips and face, now women began to understand: there is nothing more attractive than their natural natural beauty. Therefore, they ask simply adjust the problems, including wrinkles near the lips, which are so treacherously give out age, "flooded" the oval of faces and cheekbones. In any case, the "beauty injections" help avoid plastic surgery. In addition, if you go to the salon now, then by the new year you will be fully armed.

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