Lose weight for the new year: Important Tips


Pre-holiday bustle is not in vain called "fever". From endless gift shopping, making a menu, completion of "tailings" on work and corporate parties, you can at some point and truth to detect yourself slightly thinning and even looked. As after the hospital. Such a non-standard beauty program may well be enough for those who prefer the style of "heroin chic" and fanats from Kate Moss. If in the New Year I want to enter not only with a thin waist, but also with a natural blush and cheerful mood, the last week of the year of the outgoing makes sense to remember the healthy lifestyle. And comply with a few simple rules that the "Wonderful Transfiguration" program will not seem hard work on the verge of self-tract.

Let's notify right away: Hard diets on New Year's days - the thing is pretty insidious. Because at the festive table, in the end, it will still have to eat. And those who all week before the party are selflessly hungry (we do not consider a fish-free kefir and salad leaves for food?) Risch to pounce on the "Herring under the fur coat" and "Olivier" with indecent enthusiasm. The result is in a moment the extra kilograms and problems with the stomach returned to their rightful place: after a week of the torthes, it will not withstand the test by mayonnaise and champagne in large quantities. Therefore, lose weight before the new year should be carefully. Without fanaticism. For example, so:

declare dry law. Almost all alcoholic beverages (even vodka) contain a decent amount of calories, and in the latter, as you know, there is one unpleasant property - it is painfully quickly, they turn into extra kilograms and "settle" on the waist and hips. Therefore, so as not to gain excess weight to Praznik, with alcohol it is worth being careful. And if they do not rejoice from the wires of the old year and the corporate party, choose less calorie alcohol. For example, red dry wine.

Leave on pure drinking water. Moreover, if it is a mineral water from bottles, it must necessarily be non-carbonated necessarily non-carbonated (gas that is added to water to improve its taste, can contribute to the formation of cellulite). Replacing the water traditional sweet juices and drinks during the day, you imperceptibly reduce the calorie content of the diet (in canned juices, as a rule, contains a large amount of sugar) and serve a good service to your body: clean water will help bring slags, accelerates metabolism and prevent swelling.

There is often, but do not rush. Nutritionists have proven: the slower the person eats, the faster the sense of saturation comes. Thus, dinner or dining nele, you will use so much food as you really need. Not moving. And frequent food intakes will allow the size of the portions to a minimum at all: it will benefit the stomach (it will not be overloaded) and accelerate the digestion process. Thus, calories derived from food will be absorbed by the body, rather than accumulating in problem areas.

Do not go for the night. The last meal must be no later than 2 hours before sleep. Otherwise, the power regimen and the body "stands up" can be disturbed. Judge for yourself: the dinner eaten before bedtime, our jullock must digest. This (instead of legitimate rest) he will have to do all night. In the morning, thus, you will not breakfast 100%, because the digestive system will only finish its work and will rest safely. The person who did not have breakfast did not have breakfast, the level of blood sugar can increase during the day. And this means attacks of hunger and desperate desire to deal with them. Is it worth saying that in the crumble of weapons against hunger, as a rule, performs a whole harmful for Fast Food figures: chocolate bars, chips, cheese puffs and other calorie food doubtful codes? The result - it is not clear from where the folds on the waist, the deterioration of the condition of the skin and the swelling. And just needed not to go before bed.

Say no fat, fried and flour. But fermented fermented products in any form, porridge, fish, seafood on a couple and notice to say confident "yes." It is not necessary to explain anything here. Proper nutrition will benefit and the body in general and figure in particular.

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So, the dream dress sits on you as the lighted and waist Lyudmila Gurchenko in the "Carnival Night" no longer causes the attacks of envy. It remains for small: to preserve the result and not to give in to gastronomic temptations, which are unchanged satellites of New Year's celebrations. This is not necessarily sad to pick up a carrot salad with raisins and ignore all the goodies, lovingly prepared for the main holiday of the year. We just need to arma the information and know the enemy in the face. So, we will walk along the New Year's menu and find the right approach to traditional packaging dishes:

Salads. In the context of the festive table, it is not the leaves of greens, modestly sprinkled with olive oil, but, on the contrary, a large amount of ingredients, generously arched by mayonnaise. And the last, by the way, is the enemy of a slim figure number one. To reduce the harm of the traditional "mimosa", "fur coats" and other crown dishes of our moms and aunt, you need to accounted for the preparation of masterpieces. Namely:

- Replace the usual mayonnaise easy (it will immediately reduce the fatty dishes by more than 50%) or if the salad ingredients allow them to use homemade grainy cottage cheese with salt and greens as a refueling.

- Sausage in "Olivier" replace on boiled lean meat or chicken, and instead of canned fish for "mimosa" to use fish in its own juice

Slicing and snacks. The harmless slice of ham, a pair of slices of cheese and a sandwich with sprats - can it be corrected from this? It turns out that you can. Because intercepting on a piece here and there we do not notice how we are found in essence with empty calories. But there are ways to turn the usual cuts from delicious, calorie and "empty", delicious, dietary and useful

- Instead of purchased chearase or smoked sausages with fat, dare or bake a lean beef or tongue with spices and, pre-cut and decorate the greens, serve them on the table.

- In the grocery department of the supermarket, take a look at smoked chicken or turkey. According to taste, they are not inferior to the same carbonate or bacon, and in fatty and calorieness, on the contrary, successfully losing them.

- Fish cuts are not only more useful, but often and delicious meat. Even if the fish seems to you fat, it is not worth worrying: it, on the contrary, will only benefit foolishness. In fatty fish in large quantities, Omega-3 acids are contained, which accelerate the metabolism and have a positive effect on the work of the immune system.

Alcohol. Contrary to traditional misconceptions, extra kilograms (or grams, everything depends on the potential of the drinking) may appear not only from beer and sweet liqueurs, but also from pure strong drinks. In 100 grams of vodka, for example, the same calorie, how much in the ¼ loaf of black bread. And if you are not clean vodka, but some tincture, it is worth adding to this amount of calories also the energy value of sugar. This is the first.

The second is alcohol in itself - a strong causative agent of appetite. And after a glass, we, as a rule, are unnoticed for themselves eating more than usual. However, all this does not mean that the new year now needs to meet with a glass of children's champagne. The main thing is to learn to take on the chest under the laws of healthy nutrition (yes, this is also possible!).

"The faster alcohol is absorbed into the blood, the more you want to eat." Therefore, it is necessary to choose drinks, in the composition of cats more than the so-called dubbing substances (they slow down the absorption of alcohol). For example, red wine (against white) and brandy or whiskey (against vodka and gin).

- The slower we drink, the slower the body absorbs (and has time to recycle) alcohol. Managed to stretch one glass of wine or cocktail for an hour? Wonderful. Negative consequences in this case are excluded.

- The snack also plays an important role: fruits and soda only contribute to the absorption of alcohol, but meat products and bread, on the contrary, they rub these insidious processes.

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