Girlfriends from which better stay away


Probably there is no more extensive to reflect the topic than women's friendship. The essence of this friendship is not given to understand no high-class specialist. It has a lot of subtleties. If this question is seriously abandoned, it is found that each of women is quite difficult to take another. Any of them seeks to be the first.

Many women are friends all their lives. Help each other in difficult situations, soothe, support and rejoice with her friend. This is the person who can be discovered, share the opinion of a pretty guy and, of course, run through shops.

Nevertheless, there are girlfriends who are far from harmless. From these trying to stay away. They can substitute at the most inopportune moment. Let's learn what types of women are least suitable for the role of the best friend.

Nevertheless, there are girlfriends who are far from harmless

Nevertheless, there are girlfriends who are far from harmless



Of particular harm from such a girl you will not get. However, it can seriously affect the course of your life. Her passion is awesome parties, fleeting novels and dating. She knows in all clubs of the city, it will be held any face control. One of the advantages - it's not boring with her, she will paint your dull evening. But keep your ear in Egor - you can get into the unpleasant situation, and it will definitely not help you out of it. Rather, go to the next party.


You won't find more informed in other people's personal affairs of a person. And she applies these knowledge at a convenient situation. She is trying with all the information from you so much information as possible. At the same time, you will not hear her revelations in response, because its goal is to collect compromising. Be sure: everything you say will learn not just your surroundings, but also half of the city.


If you have such a girlfriend, from time to time you catch views, full envy. It happens at the moments when you share the joy from a new purchase or a gift from a man. Such a woman will never rejoice at you. Does not wish you happiness. Paradox, but this kind of girlfriend, if "glued" to you, then it is unlikely to lag. They can "be friends" decades, absorbing your emotions and transforming them into negative.

A friend is the person who can be opened

A friend is the person who can be opened


Nighting girlfriend

She constantly with the "sour" face, also crying all the time. She always has everything bad: in his personal life is not lucky, because the men are all unworthy, the head did not please at work, not to buy clothes - one junk on the hangers. Caution, such people have a "wonderful" property to infect their mood. You can also become a pessimist, and then you will be with your girlfriend the perfect pair.


These girls are constantly looking for attention. They oppress emotionally. You all listening to what it is beautiful and inaccessible. Sometimes she criticizes not only those surrounding, but also you. "Queen" does not bother to build trust relationships, all that interests her is attention to his person.

Girlfriend who really loves you, nothing wants anything

Girlfriend who really loves you, nothing wants anything


If you learned in one of the types of your girlfriend, be vigilant. This girlfriend must give peace, inspiration and drive your loneliness.

Of course, this is your choice - leave such women in your life or not. The main thing is to remember: a girlfriend who really loves you, nothing does not want anything and will always help, sincerely gladly having to successes.

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