Dmitry Sordun: "In his wife, I appreciate her sincerity"


The winner of the Star Factory-6 project and the Eurovision-2007 participant Dmitry Koldun, despite the serious situation in the world associated with coronavirus, is in a rather optimistic mood. This year, the artist 35-year-old anniversary. True, where and how he will celebrate him, Dima has not yet made it, but he said that the Russian show business differs from Belarusian, what the artist argues with his beloved wife and what talents are the children of the musician.

Dmitry, how is your self-insulation period?

- I am now in Belarus together with my family, I spend time with the children, we walk in the fresh air, we are engaged in the garden, go for birch juice. We do everything that is usually not enough time. I love to be in nature, I love to go hiking, where there are rivers, lakes. This year, if everything is fine, I plan to take children to Yamal, in the fall, when the first frosts hit. Ride there on deer. New songs are well written in self-insulation, in touring days it is also not enough time.

Your colleagues are skiing ride, some even coronavirus are not afraid ...

- Skiing somehow did not come around. Apparently, due to my constitution - I can't go skiing for a long time, I fall. And on deer, I think, last longer. Previously, I was in the Faculty of Faculty of Power Troyboard, now in practice only physical education. I have a bars, horizontal barns and dumbbells, sometimes attend the pool. When you often perform and do it on a complete coil, it is enough to be taped and slim. The scene isolating and burned all the extra calories. I can have everything I want. I can eat bold and roasted, I can not say that I eat right.

Dmitry, you will have a celebration of the 35-year-old anniversary. Have you already felt that this date is not far off?

- Honestly, I do not know what a feeling should come. Probably, age is determined by the internal state or some kind of activity. For singers, musicians 35 years old are absolutely normal age, the body functions quite productively in order for the brain to work. Another thing is athletes, for them, probably, it is a little tangible. I can say that I have everything turned out to be 35 years from what I would like to have, so I'm not complaining about what I like everything. We live and work on.

You say that you have achieved everything you wanted. That is, you built any plans and followed goals?

- We live in society and look around. Watching people, make your conclusions, come to your decision, whatever we want to see our lives. My parents divorced when I was 7 years old, after I never lived in a full family, therefore, probably, one of my most important tasks was not to repeat the fate of the parents. So that my children did not stand before choosing: where and with whom, as it was with me. It cannot be said that I had some kind of injury, it just thought it seemed to happen that it should not happen, although it could be completely different. I am glad that with this task coped. I have a wonderful family, I hope so will always be.

Before the whole situation with Coronavirus began, you had pretty good employment, and with concerts, too, was all right. At the same time, you have never been involved in any yellow stories. Did the ideas arise in this way to increase their popularity?

- People who are in show business, the vast majority of them, extroverts. They came to share themselves with this world. It is necessary for them, it is vital that anything about them spoke someone about them. It is important to be heard, in sight. I got into this world of show business at all accidentally, you can say, from a student bench, for me the task has never stood. If something happens in my life out of a series of outgoing, it happens not so often, and I have something to say about it. But in fact, most of the news that I read about celebrities is frank fakes invented by not artists and not their team. But people like it, they most importantly, so that something happened (smiles). I prefer to focus on creativity, to conquer my audience, so that they like my songs, I feel organically in this. People come purposefully on my speeches, buy tickets, I am very pleased when the concert continues and ends with choral singing. So, while everything turns out. For me it is more important than inventing some news.

That is, you are not sitting and do not invent such intriguing stories?

- No, I am not inventing. From the TV channels I do not call for such stories. Moreover, I sometimes leave with such filming. It happens, a deception is lured on the programs, they call and say that the theme of the program is one to which you agree, and already in the studio it turns out that the topic is completely different, it is not interesting for you, you have nothing to do with her.

Dmitry Koldun is not afraid of bold experiments. Frame from the clip

Dmitry Koldun is not afraid of bold experiments. Frame from the clip "Dog Stray"

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Artists still periodically write albums. And how profitable is it, because the songs are downloaded from the Internet?

- any products and any work that you release, one way or another protected by copyright. Now, with the emergence of different subscriptions on the music services, everything fell on more or less civilized rails. Even on the downloaded songs on the Internet you can earn, but it's not about it. Albums I make not for the sake of earlier, but because I want to share my music with listeners, share my feelings and mood. And piracy even flourishes in the West, and you do not control it in any way. All the same, most of the earnings are a concert activity.

You, by the way, released a new mini album ...

- Yes, there are 5 songs. EP "Graffiti" received such a name thanks to one of the songs that opposed the capital in this collection. In essence, each of the compositions is a kind of sketching a certain life situation with a different mood. Absolutely new music for me, synthetic sound. Songs are created in the style of Synthwave. The most classical composition from the collection, with elements of romance and ballads is a duette with Vladimir Presnyakov, a song called "You're not a bird." The album can be heard, download and even leave a comment. I look through everything, I wonder what they write (smiles).

This year, a unique situation: "Eurovision" canceled. What do you think about it?

- I think this is a necessary measure. Of course, next year it will be very difficult to predict what will happen to this competition. Every year there is an intrigue: who will go? What song? And if the participants remain the same, the intrigue is lost. And interest can fade, even if the songs are new.

Did you have thoughts once again try?

- There is such a gust in Russia - often ride (smiles), although we have quite a lot of artists. I do not consider it right many times go there. But if the result is justified and you bring the victory in your country, this is another conversation. I'm not ready to go to Eurovision. There were one time such ideas, but I did not have the desired song, a strong team with which I could be sure at least 50 percent in success. Therefore, one who is confident is going there.

Dmitry does not plan to repeat the experience of the trip to

Dmitry does not plan to repeat the experience of the trip to Eurovision in the coming years

Press service materials

But this is not bad to affect the popularity of the artist ...

- At the time when I traveled, we had a very strong team and there was excellent support for various kinds: financial and media, there was support from Philip Kirkorov and from the Belarusian television. Then the participation in this competition was subsidized at the state level. There was a lot of strength spent, much invested, we plowed and lived with Eurovision. We were a cohesive one team, it could not work badly, so so far my result over the past 16 years in Belarus remains the best. Now, it seems to me, the attitude to this competition has changed, and each participant who goes there, does it on its own. On the one hand, it seems like liability less, on the other - and the quality of the product produced most often leaves much to be desired. And attachments need a lot, to sell two hundred in Moscow. I have a two-room apartment, but I don't want to sell it (smiles).

With Philip Kirkorov, by the way, do you support any connection?

- If only karmic (smiles). I think about him ... When we see, we can throw some words, but I can not say that we communicate.

In general, with someone from colleagues you are friends? In show business is possible friendship?

"I and so friends don't really have a lot of friends, a person is five, and I infrequently talk to them if you look at the phone." For me, friendship is when you can come to a person to visit and spend the evening. As for the artists, it may be so maybe only with Anita Tsoi. We have an old story with her, my mother was friends with her family. Of course, I communicate with many, we have excellent relationships, but so to assemble by companies by any time - this is not.

Dmitry Koldun and Philip Kirkorov on

Dmitry Koldun and Philip Kirkorov on Eurovision

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And there is a competition in show business, no one breathes in the back?

- When breathing in the back - this is another. I think that people who are engaged in music are well aware that you can write hit, but then 10 years to produce some kind of hat that is not needed by anyone, yes, you can have connections, you can not have, but ultimately all this is enough Zybko, here everyone is spinning, as can. In this you can not blame anyone and envy someone. People are all different, everyone has their own methods to achieve their goals.

Well, the show business of Belarus and Russia differs?

- In Belarus with show business, of course, more difficult, there are no big resources. A small and small country is less than Moscow with its suburbs. All modestly, no opportunities for big scope, but people try, there is a move forward. For example, this year, the famous project "X-factor" is launched on television. For Belarus, this is an event, everyone is prepared.

So, it is necessary to work in Russia ...

- In Russia, I have enough work. But in Belarus, my songs, probably, know more due to the fact that in due time the law on the protection of the rights of Belarusian performers was issued. On the air of Belarusian radio stations in Prime Time, 75 percent of Belarusian music should appear. I am glad that my music is in demand, and on radio stations software directors note the quality of the sound. Songs listen and order. Thanks to this, I can often tour in Belarus.

Dmitry Koldun has a brother of George, who also deals with artistic activities

Dmitry Koldun has a brother of George, who also deals with artistic activities

Press service materials

If you do not speak now about the forced break related to self-insulation, how does your wife relate to your permanent employment and tours?

- It applies normally, such a life. Everyone knew perfectly who was going on. There is a certain charm in it: you have time to miss a person. Sometimes it seems to me that relations disintegrate due to the fact that it becomes closely, people are bored with each other. Probably it would be difficult to hold out with a different form of coexistence for so long. I hope that during the quarantine in our family will not change anything. (Laughs.)

If you hit some difficult situation, your spouse supports you?

- Sure. I feel her support, but not in all matters (smiles). Sometimes you write some song, and she: it's some kind of nonsense! No, I do not take offense for it for a long time. And by the way, not always that my wife supports, it becomes successful, nevertheless, I appreciate this sincerity in it, which she shares with me. There is no hypocrisy in it.

Artist has a beautiful family: spouse Victoria and two children - Son Yang and Daughter Alice

Artist has a beautiful family: spouse Victoria and two children - Son Yang and Daughter Alice

Press service materials

Is she not a musician herself?

"No, she doesn't have any relation to music." Is that I got acquainted with her against the background of what Rock was listening to school, we liked the same groups.

Your doctor in the family is great!

- Vika - hematologist, works with blood, with results of analyzes. She can tell everything: who you are, what you are from what you are. What you can not have that you can not drink. (Laughs.)

Dmitry, though you are a young man, but you have two children. Pucked by their talents ...

- I do not think that the son has some creative talent, he is always interested in, where and what can be sold and what to buy by this. He is trying even the younger sister to lie some kind of dump truck for some kind of toys. Of course, he loves to sing, and constantly when I listen to someone else's music, asks why I listen to it. I answer: "Well, to find something interesting ..." and he asks: "To buy, sell, steal?" (Laughs.) In general, it has now inventive cash relations.

The eldest son of the sorcerer last year already went to school

The eldest son of the sorcerer last year already went to school

Press service materials

Well, daughter?

"I recently gathered a studio at home, and my daughter comes to me with pleasure, you will not be expelled from your knees." She sits between me and the studio monitor and just observe all this, something purries for himself. Trying to singing. In such conditions, of course, you will not write anything worthwhile, but it is sufficiently touching

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