Unhappy items that need to be thrown out of the house


Very often, vital energy does not find a way out because of the "rubble". This contributes to the accumulation in the house of things that do not bring anything other than trouble. And even if life flows without surprises in the form of difficult situations, it periodically costs order in the house. Feng Shui experts argue that a person will immediately feel positive energy, it is only worth cleaning the residential premises. Throwing old things, we throw out bad thoughts.

Rady and broaching plants

Dead plants, being in the house, carry the extremely negative energy to his tenants. Naturally, nothing good can be. A similar effect is plants from artificial materials. As a rule, the inhabitants of the house begin to feel bad, they have a dream. Frequently unaware of severe diseases.

As for needle plants, they include cacti, for example, their energy is not fatal, but rather harmful. This can be expressed in the appearance of a certain kind of obstacles to the goal and other problems not related to health. For example, problems can begin in personal life, at work or in relationships with loved ones.

Stopped hours

Once it was long ago believed that the watch is the life path of the owner. If the clock stopped in the house, but they were not rejected and did not throw, it foreshadowed the death of someone from households or pets. Specialists in paranormal phenomena note that often after the death of a person stops and the clock in the house - exactly at that moment, when a person makes the last exhale. Some people subjected this theory of doubt, but nevertheless, she has the right to exist, as Esoterics are emphasized.

The watch is the life path of the owner

The watch is the life path of the owner

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Old calendar

As with the clock, in the case of the calendar, the parallel is carried out with the life cycle and time. However, in contrast to hours, they do not lead to real death, but only revenge the barriers. Old calendars brake development and block access to the house with everything new, residents are difficult to go ahead. If you have some old old calendars at home, in the future you can stay in oblivion. Even if there are many close people around you, a dedicated feeling of loneliness can be covered in the soul.

Old calendars inhibit development and block access to the house with everything new

Old calendars inhibit development and block access to the house with everything new

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Dark doors

Many people adore black color. Both in clothing and in the interior design. A special negative to the house brings black doors. It is believed that black doors open the input of bad energy, but they look just gorgeous.

It is believed that black doors open the input of bad energy

It is believed that black doors open the input of bad energy

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Broken dishes

Since ancient times he was heard that a gift in the form of dishes brings wealth to the house. If you decide to use a plate or a cup with a crack or with a sloping edge, it will not lead to anything good, rather contributes to the emergence of material problems. So take all unsuitable dishes and throw out without regret.

All unsuitable dishes throw without regret

All unsuitable dishes throw without regret

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

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