Useful morning: 3 Rules of a healthy breakfast


Breakfast is considered one of the most important meals, which cannot be skipped if you take care of your health and maintain a beautiful figure. We will tell about the three basic rules of the first meal, which should always be kept in the head.

Do not be lazy to cook breakfast

Surely you know that morning meals contributes to the launch of all organism systems, but you will agree, in the morning we often do not have time to gather, not to get up at the slab and 20 minutes to cook such a useful, but such a "capricious" oatmeal. Nevertheless, it is worth building your regime in such a way that you have enough time to cook breakfast for yourself. Experts insist that breakfast is required no later than 40 minutes after awakening. If you understand that in the morning you will not have time to cook a delicious breakfast, soak porridge from the evening. In the morning you will only need to add your favorite fruits or berries.

Breakfast should be satisfying

One sandwicher or a piece of cheese is clearly not enough to keep up to dinner, and the stomach will not tell you "Thank you." Make sure that you have enough calories on your table to hold out without snacks at least three hours. Ideally, you should not take breaks in food reception more than 4 hours, but at the same time you have to do without snacks and sweet bars who will not bring anything but problems with the stomach and extra centimeters on the hips. Therefore, the bunanas and nuts for breakfast, which will give you enough energy to the first third of the day.

Follow the portion

Breakfast should give you the required amount of calories for several hours, but this does not mean that you must overeat. Too much portion is already bad. If you want everything immediately, eat half of the fact that you really want, for example, half a breaker of yogurt, one egg, several fruits and a piece of bread. This quantity of useful calories is enough for dinner.

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