Chocolate Sandwiches with Pistachio Ice Cream


Ingredients: 500 ml of milk, 300 ml of very fat cream, 200 g of purified unsalted pistachios, 200 g of Sugar Demrarara, 2 eggs, 2 yolks, ¼ h. Spoons of vanilla powder. For cookies: 200 g of flour,

150 g of brown sugar, 150 g of butter, 70 g of black chocolate, 50 g of Sugar Demarara, 50 g cocoa powder, 1 egg, 10 g of baking powder, pinch of vanilla powder, ¼ h. Spoons of sea salt.

Cooking method: Oven preheat to 180 degrees. Prepare ice cream: pour in a saucepan milk, add vanilla and bring to a boil. Pistachios chop to stay small pieces. Connect in combine eggs, yolks and sugar, wash everything. Continuing to mix, add crushed pistachios, then hot milk. Pour milk with eggs back into the saucepan and, continuously stirring, warming up on a small fire, while the cream does not thicken, then cool. Cream whipped into a dense foam, interfere with chilled cream and send everything into the freezer for 2 hours. Prepare cookies: Pre-softened butter and all sugar beat in a blender by a wedge, add an egg, beat a little more, then wash the spatula so that no lumps are left. Mix the flour with a bundle and salt. In the egg-cream mass add cocoa, a pinch of the vanilla powder, to wash everything, then enter the flour. Chocolate is finely chopped with a knife, add to the dough and wash again. Small flat cakes shape out of the test, put on a baking packed baking tray at a distance of 2 cm from each other and bake in a preheated oven for 10 minutes, then cool completely. On one cookie, put the circle carved from the ice cream ring and cover with another biscuits to get sandwiches.

Julia Vysotskaya

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