Love during a pandemic: whether to go on a date if the quarantine circle


"So-s, hairstyle in order, lipstick took that I forgot ... Oh yeah, a mask, gloves and a disinfectant!". The harsh realities of this March practically do not leave the chance of romance with her walks around the city, campaigns in the cinema-restaurants and other types of dates.

There are no indifferent to the current situation in the world: Some in a panic, others make it from this reason to joke, the third lives the same life, and yet Tikhonechko is worshiped in the morning of the statistics on sick.

But regardless of the help closure of institutions, the abolition of mass events and the radiation of the shop shelves, the hearts of all nationalities still want love.

Recently, I often ask me: to go on a date with a man in the conditions of the world "Lokdauna"? And if you go, then where, if everything is closed - really just sit in his car?

I believe that it is better to wait and feel safe for some time. But this does not mean that you will have to languish the end of quarantine. This period you can use the most profitable as possible for your personal life!

Believe me, even at a distance with a man it is possible to maintain a warm relationship. I will tell you which method of communication successfully compensates for the inability to go on dates and see live. In addition, with a skillful application, these tools will make a man even more think about you and count the days before the first meeting. Without masks!

Remote attraction and hold of a man

Physical separation in history was often a sad obstacle for two loving hearts. If you remember the era of paper letters, which could not reach the destination, then you understand that today instant correspondence, video calls and phones successfully support the possibility of daily communication and even building a solid base for relationships.

All you need so that the man after Quarantine invites you to a living date, it will most attract his attention to his person to online. And this tool will help you with this:

- Photos. Let your photo album become a man of a kind of picture gallery, which can be viewed by clock. Do not regret the premium photos at various scenery and images - the main thing is that they were light, feminine and sophisticated.

- Calls and audio messages. I know examples when love began with the voice! This is a small particle of you, which will make a man turn on the imagination, hearing only your voice. And this is one of the most accurate female glamor techniques: a slightly slow, slightly lowered sensual tone, purring about something pleasant.

- Video communications and video calls. A great way to show my own body language plus is the safest view of a date (especially in the current situation). Get ready for a video context with a man, as a real meeting - except, perhaps, perfume and shoes - and everything will pass with a bang.

- SMS messages and correspondence. This is a limitless field for your activity in favor of building relationships. The ability to communicate at any time of the day, think about your words, the absence of that level of anxiety and fear, which happen live ... in other words, is a wonderful tool for maintaining male interest, as well as building and strengthening relations.

Instructions for communication at a distance

But these tools - in particular the last - you need to be able to use. Unfortunately, clear instructions are not provided for this, it is not taught in school or at the institute. As practice shows, literally every second woman even with excellent data stumbles on some of the items above, and the desired man leaves her profile.

To all the man wanted to do during quarantine - is online meeting you, use unwritten communication rules at a distance:

- Do not talk! Classical female mistake: diversion of boltology in speech. Men love conversations in the case. You may not see his bored face when he will read a long opus from you either dozen short replicas about anything. But most likely you will feel when his initiative to communicate fell below the plinth. Therefore, do not "cross" meaningless conversations, ask questions and affect topics promoting your relationship and encouraging to meet.

- Rhythmic messages. The ideal option is to adjust the frequency and the length of the men's messages. So you are like dancing with him: you are a chamber, he, movement in unison. Although sometimes it is possible to "roll out" it in more detailed replicas and observe its reaction.

- Technique "2-3 letters." It may happen that a man does not respond for a while. Do not squeeze in question where he could rushing. Remind yourself 2-3 messages with a gap in a couple of days. Let what you write to him, contains a certain riddle, so that he was surprised and wanted to know what you had in mind, and by all means answering the message.

- Illusion of relationships. Imagine that you are already a couple with him. Do not missed affectionate words, compliments, intriguing statements, light flirting phrases that support the light of interest in the men's consciousness.

- "Hooks" in communication. Relieve each phrase of a man and look for in them moments that will help you continue the conversation. Most often, these are men's interests, favorite classes, work, the sphere in which he is like fish in the water. Clinging for such "hooks", you can make a conversation fascinating. And the passionate man will surely want to prevent your interesting communication in Offline.

Of course, no video link will replace real touch. No gentle words printed in messenger do not warm up like a warm whisper on the ear. At the distance it is extremely difficult to turn on the love chemistry between people.

However, with the right actions, everything is possible! Use the hard global situation in your favor. Do not stay in search of your man - let it help you in this almighty Internet. And let the only virus that comes to you will be a love virus and vast happiness, chronic and incurable.

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