Exposed figure: 4 products for efficient wraps


It is impossible to get a tightened body, counting only on exercise: skin care is also incredibly important. So far, we do not have the opportunity to visit the salon, we can use home recipes that do not infer at the effect to salon procedures. We will tell you how to make an excellent mix for wrapping from products that are in any kitchen.

Wrapping with red pepper

Due to the annoying and warming effect, the red pepper is considered one of the most effective means to combat cellulite. However, it is worth careful with caution to this recipe if you suffer from varicose veins or violations from the cardiovascular system. How to prepare a mixture: we will need 3 grams. Dry red pepper and 100 ml. vegetable oil. We mix and apply the composition on the skin, then wrap the film. Keep wrapping for 20 minutes if you feel strong burning, wash off immediately.

skin need careful care

skin need careful care


Wrapping from cocoa

If you do not carry the smell of coffee, why not try to replace it with cocoa? Cocoa Bobah contains a certain amount of caffeine, which is sufficient to effectively split fat deposits. How to prepare a mixture: we take 20 grams of cocoa powder (unsweetened), 2 grams of cinnamon and half liters of water. All ingredients are kept on a weak fire for five minutes. Do not forget to stir so that the makeup is not burned. Giving a mixture to cool, we apply to the skin and turn around the problem areas with a food film. Keep 20 minutes and wash off.

Wrapping with coffee

Classic recipe for drink lovers. You will need about 10 grams of coffee grounds that need to be distributed on a problem area. Without half an hour under the film, after which it was washed and applied nutrient cream.

Wrapping with cinnamon

In cinnamon there are tubyl compounds and antioxidants, which help to split fat deposits, and will also put into order the skin that lost elasticity. To prepare the composition you will need 6 grams of cinnamon and 40 ml. olive oil. Leave the composition on the skin under the film for an hour.

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