What did the hurricane dreamed of?


"I'm standing at the window. I look at the street. The window in our large four-room apartment, where we lived with parents, grandmother. She was translated when the father died, and my husband and I got married. In general, this is our large apartment, kitchen, in the window of which I look at the street. I recognize this landscape outside the window. Our house on the elevation, on one side of the ravine, which takes place along this street for many times since a long time. On the street, it seems to me. Light, the sun shines on the snow, at home opposite. Outside the window is light, and I stand in the twilight. Someone is still there, inside the apartment. It seems to me that the husband, but I do not see him. I just know what he is there. But I calmly, I watch the silence. The windows are dense, plastic. Very quiet. Suddenly I see how strong wind instantly flies like a hurricane. He is so strong that the trees are with the root, but they are not lying, but the same slender rows, raised above the ground, with protruding roots, vertical trunks on huge speed are transferred forward, along the street, to the right. There are many of them - slender rows of trees with roots carry on the bottom of the street-street, on the other side. And at home stand in place, roofs, windows, glass do not move - only trees. Then shrubs join. And all this is gaining a huge speed. I do not hear the sound, I just see this strange job outside the window. And all this I observe from top to bottom, and the trees are raised above the ground on a meter-half. That is, moving somewhere below, at the level of 1-2 floors. I call son so that he looked at this amazing procession. It fits, gets up next to the right, and we both look outside the window. I do not care about me, because I understand that something is happening unknown, but curiosity overcomes, and we stand as chained.

Suddenly the wind increases, the window sharply darkens, and trees, bushes, branches begin to rotate, fly, I see these powerful roots, branches, they rush past the windows, rise up, they are already above the house, they fly in different directions, it is already similar on a hurricane. There is no leaves, these are powerful branchy trees. And they are as if illuminated with a lantern or spotlight. At some point, I understand that the trees are very close to our window. And that such a root at a huge speed can break the glass. And I exhibit my hand, pulling her a little up and put the left palm to the glass, trying to keep the glass, if suddenly something happens. And it was at this point that a buzz is heard outside the window, and one of the roots with force hits the glass. I feel barely catchy vibration of cold glass under the palm, although I understand that the blow was so powerful that the glass should have broken, and we should have demolished. And at the same time I remember that confidence in miraculousness, with which I put out my palm. There is no fear, there is a feeling of natural power outside the window and excite from how much it fascinates and scares.

Almost immediately the landscape outside the window again calms down. Brighter, the sun appears, I see a lot of pinch, in some places - the fallen trunks of the trees, but that all just reminds remotely that the storm has just been here. "

Such a detailed dream is almost a story about what storms are raging in unconsciousness. Moreover, our heroine can be congratulated, because it described in detail your dream - and this is already half an end for the interpretation.

So, there are several scenes from this dream: calm in the house, in the old apartment, the presence of a son and husband. And the second scene is a hurricane outside the window to which the heroine is opposed.

Probably sleep means that the dream at this stage feels reliably in the circle of his loved ones. What is undoubtedly an important element of life. You can have family, loved ones, but relationships with them can be a constant threat, bring more pain and suffering than support.

But in the case of our heroine just the opposite. It is protected.

The second scene is her ability to stand in a bore, which is played around her house. Useful quality in recent days, isn't it? In general, reliability within himself, in the house, with close people increases stress resistance, the ability to relate is easier to disadvantaged and difficulties. It is even proven during medical experiments: when close people are kept behind our hand, the pain lose the sharpness (for example, pain from injections).

It remains only to say that the storm in her yard is her own storm in the shower. Let me remind you that the main approach to the interpretation of dreams: any phenomenon in a dream is part of our manifestation. Sleep reflects how she herself fastened and became stable, especially when her own feelings and dramas were drunk. She is able to watch them "out of the window" with its loved ones, not involving them in these experiences. Keep it up!

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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