Sorrow from huts: how to argue with a man


Every woman - no matter what layer and categories, whether it is, whether it is an office lady, mom, a rock seducer - you have to deal with men. There may be disputes and conflicts and conflict periodically, and the man will try to truth and inconsistencies to convince you of right.

There are many examples. He may seem that you were going for a dinner for too long. Undakes off the soup. In his opinion, such situations occur constantly, and he tries to prove it to you. Such disassembly extremely negatively affect your nervous system.

And only in very rare cases a man is ready to admit that this time he was wrong. He can argue about this for a long time, but you don't come to the truth. Here an important point appears, which must be taken into account in a dispute with a man. Try in the course of the dispute, proving your own right, to find subtle moments where the man will be right. You probably have our own methods for solving conflict situations, but we also have a few ways that make you a dispute with a man.

Such disassembly extremely negatively affect your nervous system.

Such disassembly extremely negatively affect your nervous system.


Most importantly - do not allow the topic shift. Indeed, in this case, you will argue on a completely abstract topic, leaving from the essence of the conversation. You need to get the skill to clarify the relationship without the ability to change the topic and bring the dispute to the end. And this is your way to successfully solve the conflict in your favor.

The second rule: listen to his stream of consciousness and in no case interrupt. After that, specify a man for those moments that, in your opinion, do not join your vision of the situation. Believe me, you will find what to discuss, as a man in the process of dispute does not control his speech.

There is another important rule. You do not need to rush by phrases: "I'm tired of these relationships!", "It is impossible to endure more!" Thus, you explicitly hint at parting. Remember that a man can cross and he decides to break with you. Not the fact that you can make up.

And only in very rare cases, a man is ready to admit that this time it turned out to be wrong

And only in very rare cases, a man is ready to admit that this time it turned out to be wrong


Avoid raising the tone in the dispute regardless of what happened and because of which the dispute began. Otherwise, you can "fly" the accusation in the inability to control emotions. We also call hysteria. Keep calm and be calm.

Do not be afraid to admit that you are wrong. In fact, such a turn can shock a man. An example may be a dispute on the theme of the best player of the football team. Let, in his opinion, Akinfeev is the champion. Situations may vary. In some cases, this is the best solution - to recognize your wrong. Believe me, the consequences can be the most unexpected, naturally, in a positive way.

Spend it and your energy something more pleasant and positive

Spend it and your energy something more pleasant and positive


And last: do not feel about the dispute too seriously, because for a man dispute - a way to show that he can be the winner. In any case, everyone defends his point of view, and maybe it's not worth it to strain the men? It is better to spend it and your energy on something more pleasant and positive.

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