6 ways so that the child fell in love with the book


One of the best ways to develop a child's thinking is reading. However, it does not always happen to just compete with modern technologies for the attention of the baby. He is much more interesting to watch TV and sit on the Internet.

We bring to your attention several techniques, thanks to which you will develop your child's love for books since childhood.

Start reading a child from an early age

Make sure that books existed in your home not only as a concomitant sleep element. Let them become a kind of toys, entertainment. It doesn't matter if you go with a child for a walk, in a cafe or sit in line, take a book with me that will help pass the time. Reading books should be a ritual for recreation. The more the child will read in childhood, the better his fantasy will be developed.

Take a book for a walk or cafe

Take a book for a walk or cafe

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

No need to force a child to read

Many parents are still confident that intelligence directly depends on the number of material read by the child. This is not quite so. Each organism develops in different ways, and, accordingly, to speak, walk and read all the children learn at different times. Sometimes the parental ambitions, which they themselves cannot be implemented, miraculously shifted on children. Without thinking, as such tough methods can affect the faster psyche, confident in their rightness, parents begin to force children to read, even if they have not reached the right stage of ripening, put on it and after many years they are surprised why their child is surprised Does not tolerate books.

Read with the child

You need to find out what exactly your child prefers, which books are interested in most of all. Allow it to choose what is fascinated by him. The genres exists a great set, and everyone will find history for themselves.

No need to force a child to read

No need to force a child to read

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Read in a game form

No need to tell the child how reading will affect his future. It will not tell him this information. You can pass the child only when it will perceive reading as a game. For example, you can teach a child to invent stories. At first, be sure to help him, and then he will cope without you. Thus, you will develop its imagination and improve mental processes. Be sure to search for new plots for your stories a child will definitely turn to books.

Turn the purchase of books to adventure

When you go to the bookstore, give the baby a shopping basket and time so that he can run between the racks and choose the book you like. After purchase, go to the cafe, Polytende the pages, start reading before going to bed. Such small rituals will help lure your child to a new, still unknown world.

Reduce the frequency of use of gadgets

In the modern world, technology is offered children already ready, processed information, "seasoned" by visual elements. Because of this, brain processes reduce energy consumption, because it is not necessary to process anything and imagine, everything is already ready. For reading you need to make an effort that I don't always want to do.

You can pass the child only when he will perceive reading as a game

You can pass the child only when he will perceive reading as a game

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Therefore, try to limit the time of the child when it uses the technique. By the way, if you think about which books to choose, stop on the paper, it will be preferable.

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