Who in your pair has more influence?


On the eve of the New Year, I want to tell one technique - a simple and simple - helping to deal with who in your pair has more influence on the other. Please do not relate to it as a serious diagnosis - in handicraft conditions it is impossible. It is rather a reason to reflect on relationships and on what you want to change in the coming year.

Little remark - the technique is not my author.

So, the case. Surely everyone since childhood is familiar to the game in the noliki cross. In it, I suggest to play. You will need such a square.










Next - you need to answer a few questions. If the advantage is yours - put in the appropriate crossbox (x) in the corresponding cell, if the partner is Nolik (o).

If on some point you with a partner are completely coinciding, choose who still at least a little better or just put the cross - make yourself a pleasant;)

1. Friends. Put a cross if:

- You have more friends,

- They love you more and appreciate,

- It is interesting to spend time with them.

Conversely, Nolik, if the partner's friends have more and they are important for him.

2. Work. Put the cross in the event that you:

- earn more,

- have a more prestigious job or a more prestigious position,

- Love your work more.

Conversely - Nolik, if all this is more pronounced by a partner.

3. Altruism. Put a cross if you:

- Love people anymore

- Help helps people,

- I am pleased to start new connections.

Or Nolik, if on the contrary - all this is more inflicted by your partner.

4. Appearance. Put a cross if you:

- more beautiful and well-groomed,

- better dress,

- more charming.

The main question here is how attractive you are as a woman among women, and your partner is like a man among men.

The 5th point will be left at last.

6. Love experience. Cross, if you:

- more often than he stopped the previous relationship on their own

- Your partners were more attractive and prosperous than his partners,

- Relationships were generally more successful than him.

And zero, if on the contrary.

7. Hobbies. Put a cross if you:

- you have more interests and hobbies,

- Your horizons wider and erudition is better,

- You are able to find yourself faster and other classes.

Or zero in the opposite case.

8. Family. Put a cross if you have:

- more friendly and loving family,

- You get more material and (or) emotional support from the family,

- You have our own living space, and there is no partner.

9. Zozhe Put a cross if you

- lead a more mobile and active lifestyle,

- more fond of physically improving yourself,

- more energetic person in principle.

Now the long-awaited square number 5, in the middle.

Which of you is more interested in analyzing relationships at the moment. For example, who would be more interesting to see the result of this test or other test. That is, you must choose which one of you is more important to understand the situation in your pair now. If for you - put in the center zero, if for a partner is a cross.










Ultimately it will be something like:










Or other variations on the same topic.

If three crosses coincided in a row or diagonally, or two coincident combinations (in the first figure) - you have more influence in your pair and most likely your significance for a partner is higher than it for you, if three tannies (as in the second figure) - On the contrary. If nothing coincided, anyone has no special advantages.

If there is a desire, you can make a technique together, and then compare the results. Then you will know, in different ways or the same you see your relationship;)

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