Russian stars boasted their Christmas trees



In the family of Raper, the new year began to be prepared back in November. And all this time, close musicians are going near the Christmas tree to chat and play.

IAMGEEGUN: "Cool games".

Alena Vodonaeva. Photo:

Alena Vodonaeva. Photo:

Alena Vodonaeva

TV presenter told her subscribers in Instagram that this year she will have to dress two Christmas trees: "We have a Christmas tree at home, too, the Christmas tree appeared! All their trees have already shown, and I still do not. Here, too, needles flush in front of you. I ordered Christmas tree, as last year. Only this time, I got an unusual situation. Due to the move on December 31, you will have to put the Christmas tree and a new apartment. What new year without it? Therefore, I ordered a small one, and I stop there too much. The most beautiful toys prepared for her. The main thing to catch it to dress it ("the trailer is touching" exactly at 12 o'clock) P. S. Parents are very beautiful Christmas tree "(hereinafter, punctuation and spelling of authors are stored, approx. Womanhit).

Alena Vodonaeva will have two New Year trees. Photo:

Alena Vodonaeva will have two New Year trees. Photo:

This year Alena Vodonaeva decided to dress two Christmas trees.

New Year's Eve Parents Alena Vodonaeva. Photo:

New Year's Eve Parents Alena Vodonaeva. Photo:

Alenavodonaeva: "That's parents fluffy beauty. I like it insanely I think that for the new year-housewarming, we will put the same in size. Since childhood, I love high, lively and "delicious" Christmas trees. "

New Year tree of faith Brezhnev. Photo:

New Year tree of faith Brezhnev. Photo:

Vera Brezhneva

The singer also decided to boast his Christmas tree and told about how 2014 was held.

"Today we dressed up the Christmas tree," Waiter wrote in their microblog. - I adore New Year's Eve, cooking and sensations. Returning again every time in childhood ... The Christmas tree was decorated mainly with Sarah, some of the toys remained since last year, the part was purchased. Sonya at this time baked gingerbread cookies. And today I have a special day. Exactly a year ago I moved to this place. His own, independently purchased real apartment. Today I remembered this. In general, I thought a lot today and analyzed. What was this year. Fixed all its advantages. I understood what else to work. Today I spoke a lot. With loved ones. I was looking for truth in some moments. And once again he was convinced that the hardest work was working on himself. And I'm glad I am not lying in it. Gave the installation for the new year - a new personal growth. Our world, the universe around us begins with us. This is the purpose of the next year. Improve your world. And for the beginning to make a map of desires for the next year. Verified. Come true. Therefore, I wish you all come true. "

Christmas tree Kati Gordon. Photo:

Christmas tree Kati Gordon. Photo:

Katya Gordon

The TV host published a photo on which her son Danil tries to cut the Christmas tree in a pot. Apparently, he remembered the song in the "Forest born a Christmas tree", in which she was cut under the most root.

"The first in the life of Dani Living New Year's Christmas Tree ... - said Gordon. - Without thinking for a long time, he said that she had to cut down. Under the most root. Indeed, let Rugit, I decided. "

Sergey Zhukov

The singer posted a photo with a Christmas tree standing in his house. Together with the children and his wife, he tried to dress her in Russian style - with Santa Claus, a clutch, snowman, a bear and a basket of oranges.

Sergey Zhukov with family. Photo:

Sergey Zhukov with family. Photo:

Sezhukov: "And here it is an elegant ... Snow, Christmas trees, the smell of mulled wine ... Have you written a letter to Santa Claus?"

Jasmine with daughter. Photo:

Jasmine with daughter. Photo:


The singer dressed not only the Christmas tree, but also decorated the whole house with glowing toys and christmas wreaths.

Jasminshor: "What is the happiness that I have a daughter ... Beautiful eyes and chubby cheeks ... Merry smile and children's ringing laughter ... And this little man is more expensive in the world of all!"

New Year tree Lera Kudryavtseva. Photo:

New Year tree Lera Kudryavtseva. Photo:

Lera Kudryavtseva

The economic broadcaster approached Christmas decorations with all responsibility and tried to dress up her Christmas tree not only in the last fashion, but also in accordance with the traditions that are stored in her family.

Leratv: "Well, we also dressed up."

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