Ilya Averbukh: "Son has a dream to get to the Olympic team"


- Ilya, you are of those people whose age is difficult to believe. However, what do these figures mean for you?

- Well, of course, a birthday is a sad holiday. But still there is a sense of satisfaction from what a lot of things have been done during this time. For example, the dream of any athlete to find itself after the sport came true. I also acquired a number of other professions - it was done by producing, directed. And, probably, I am absolutely happy to have the baggage, with whom I come to my 45th anniversary.

- How do you plan to celebrate?

- In the summer I assumed that there would be some big celebrations, but it turned out that I can't arrange any festivals. December is a very sought-after period when we have many different ideas. This month, a total company holds more than 85 New Year's characters in seven cities of Russia. And, of course, it takes me everything. In the coming year, by the way, the anniversary of my company and creative activity is 15 years, as I do it. Maybe in the spring we will arrange some big banquet - summing up. And the 45th anniversary is still a personal holiday, and I will note it in a close circle. Of course, I will raise a glass for your health and loved ones - thank God, everyone is alive and healthy.

In his performances, Ilya Averbukh works with the most bright stars of figure skating

In his performances, Ilya Averbukh works with the most bright stars of figure skating

- Tell us about productions that interfere with you to roll a big celebration?

- This year, in Moscow, we make a remake of the play "Nutcracker", which has already been shown here and had a deafening success. Due to great employment and preparations for the Universiade, where I am a director of the opening and closing ceremonies, I decided not to show a new performance, and again refer to the topic of the Nutcracker. Together with the well-deserved coach of Russia and, undoubtedly, we looked at this setting a little bit under a different perspective on this production, and some of her verses climbed in particular. The performance began his temper again, found his temper. In addition, we also put the words to Tchaikovsky's music, and the vocal parties will perform Svetlana Svetikova and Sergey Lee - guys who do not need in the presentation. There will be a living sound: drums, violin, live guitar. This will all create an unforgettable New Year's atmosphere. Pyrotechnic effects will be.

- Whom can we see on ice in the new "Nutcracker"?

"Olympic champions Alexey Yagudin, Tatiana Tutmyanina and Maxim Marinin are occupied here. Of course, the decoration will be Margarita Drobinizko and Povilas Vanagas, who in the last statement did not participate, and this time they made special interesting numbers. I am confident that the performance that will be held in St. Petersburg will be held with great success, like "Alice in Wonderland." And the "Nutcracker", in addition to Moscow, will be shown in Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar, Sochi, Irkutsk and Kazan.

- Recently, a lot of other ice shows appeared, this does not interfere with you?

- If all these projects exist, it means that each of them finds her viewer. You can constantly tick yourself, loved ones, but, as they say, we will meet at the box office. In addition, I have not only New Year's production, I do not expect all year holidays to make a New Year's performance.

Son Ilya has not yet shown any interest in figure skating. However, 14-year-old Martin makes success in a skateboard

Son Ilya has not yet shown any interest in figure skating. However, 14-year-old Martin makes success in a skateboard

- Are you scheduled for New Year's holidays?

- Almost immediately after the new year, I plan to go to Krasnoyarsk, because they remained, in general, January and March to prepare for the opening ceremony of the Universiade. So, most likely, the plans to ride skiing will not work. I can say that the Universiade has become a real challenge for me, because this is not the Ice Show. I, of course, have experience, because I was a director of the opening ceremonies of the World Cup and Hockey Championships. But this ceremony is special. Also began preparations for the new season of the project "Ice Age. Children on ice ", which this year received" Tefi "as the best project about sports. And for me it is also my personal victory, because I am very serious about such unsportsmanlike awards, for me it is a great honor. In the near future I carry plans for another big performance. So there are a lot of plans.

- Where do you keep all your awards?

- There are several beautiful cups at me at home, but mostly awards are stored in the house at Mom and Pope. After all, all this is much more than me, heats the soul to my parents.

- You have a son. Probably Martin is preparing you any surprise for the birthday.

- He is now carried away by a skateboard and works with interest in this direction. He teaches new tricks, and perhaps the birthday will prepare me some exclusive trick. I will be very happy about it, because comprehensively support his passion. I hope it will be long. He has a dream to get to the Olympic team, let's see if it is real. The main thing is to work.

- Do not regret that the son did not get on skates?

- No, I do not regret. I see that he has no traction to ice, he does not like attention, although he dances very well. I think correctly that he is not engaged in figure skating, after all, this is a fairly public sport ...

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