Raising Libido Products


It often happens that the attraction to the opposite sex is much reduced, and in some cases it is completely disappeared. This unpleasant situation is preceded by many factors: malfunctions with thyroid gland, insomnia, mental deviations, stress and many other non-obvious causes are possible. Most begins to engage in self-medication, buy medicines in a pharmacy, resort to traditional medicine. However, there are ways that turn out to be much more effective than pharmacy drugs. For example, adding to the diet products that enhance sexual attraction.

Aphrodisiacs. What is it?

Aphrodisiacs call products due to which libido is rising. Nevertheless, the set of products for men and women differ. What benefits will affect the male organism will be completely useless for women - and vice versa.

Hormones influence or reduced libido

Hormones influence or reduced libido

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Hormones also affect the increase or decline in libido. If the level of progesterone and testosterone is low, the sexual attraction is reduced. Scientists concluded that the chemical composition of some products directly affects the raising of libido. But how exactly the decline is happening - disputes are being conducted about this. One of the important factors is both increased fatigue, neurosis, poor ecology. Let's figure out which products it is worth checking on the list at the next trip to the store.

Below is a list of products that have a beneficial effect on sexual attraction of both women and men. Try to include them in your diet:

- dried fruits (prunes, kuraga);

- Bitter chocolate with high cocoa content;

- nuts;

- pumpkin seeds;

- seafood;

- quail eggs;

- vegetables (parsley, cabbage, celery, beets, tomato, asparagus);

- Fish with high amino acids, zinc and protein (for example, flabble).

Quail eggs in raw form are especially useful to men, since they contribute to the improvement of potency. Red and black caviar increase the production of spermatozoa, and dark chocolate has a positive effect on the work of the genital organs.

Women should pay attention to marine cabbage, oysters and algae, they are strong aphrodisiacs. Also useful various seasonings. For example, curry and red peppers contribute to strengthening the excitability of the nervous system, increase the production of endorphine - hormone joy and pleasure.

Scientists concluded that the chemical composition of some products directly affects the raising of libido

Scientists concluded that the chemical composition of some products directly affects the raising of libido

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Alcohol is the best tool from stiffness, he has nothing to do with the aphrodisiacs. You can use it only in limited quantities, and then only in cases of enviable health. Large alcohol drank greatly reduces libido.

If obvious problems in the intimate sphere are not observed, it is worth incorporating these products into the diet as prevention. It is quite possible to do with natural methods, for a long time without resorting to the reception of medicines.

Make up a suitable diet and the body will tell you

Make a suitable diet, and the body will tell you "Thank you"

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Now that you know the main products that are guarding your calm for the intimate sphere, you can make a suitable diet, and the body will tell you thanks.

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