Oil for burning fat: 5 essential oils that reduce appetite


The use of essential oils is not a panacea for weight loss. However, it is proved that they can affect the mood, accelerate blood circulation, regeneration of skin cells and stimulate the elasticity of the skin. Made a selection of essential oils, the effect of which was appreciated by many women.

Bergamimia (Citrus Bergamia)

Bergamot helps to facilitate depression and can help if the emotional state undermines your diet. Studies show that Bergamot reduces the production of cortisol - stress hormone, which affects the metabolic rate and splitting of fat cells. Use oil in those moments when your moral state is unstable to avoid unnecessary snacks and overeating.

Grapefruit (Citrus Paradisi)

Studies have shown that these essential oil not only improves the mood due to the sweet aroma, but also contains a natural compound of Noteoton, which regulates the metabolism. Inhalation of the vapor of this citrus oil can temper the feeling of hunger and give you a charge of so necessary energy.

Lemon (Citrus Limon)

Lemon essential oil improves mood. Two components in lemon essential oil cause a powerful blow to fat cells, simultaneously alleviating pain in the nunning muscles. Add a few drops into a body cream to remove the consequences of the grueling workout in the hall. In combination with juniper oil and cypress, which has a diuretic action, it turns out a great remedy for liquid stagnation in the body due to the inflammatory process after loads.

It is better to use essential oil along with the basic

It is better to use essential oil along with the basic

Photo: unsplash.com.

Rosmarinus Officinalis

Rosemary accelerates the metabolism and stimulates digestion, contributing to the remission of unnecessary kilograms naturally. The coniferous smell stimulates appetite - it will be useful for those who do not like to have breakfast or skipping useful snacks. Inhaling it for half an hour before meals, your brain will react to a sharp fragrance and give a sign of the stomach to work out juice, and later the reverse signal in the brain will go a feeling of hunger.

Cinnamomum ZeyLanicum

Cinnamon essential oil helps reduce inflammation and adjust blood sugar levels, which is important for successful weight loss. Moreover, with a uniform level of sugar throughout the day you will not have a sharp feeling of hunger - you will eat according to the schedule. Also cinnamon oil has a warming effect, which means it can be used for massage in a mixture with basic oils.

Make your own aromatherapy mixtures

Appetitian suppression

8 drops of Bergamota

5 drops of grapefruit

2 drops of ginger

Fighting extension

5 drops of grapefruit

5 drops of lemon

5 drops of cypress

Cellulite elimination

7 drops of grapefruit

5 drops of cypress

3 drops of juniper

To achieve the best results with massage mixtures, mix the essential oils 1 to 1 with base oils - sweet almonds or jojoba will fit the best. To local use, it is enough to apply 1-2 drops of oil on the wrists and confront them with each other.

Check if you have allergies on the oil

Check if you have allergies on the oil

Photo: unsplash.com.

Contraindications for use

Aromatherapy is a letter of recommendation and cannot be used as the only means of combating overweight. Before using the oil, consult the doctor and make sure that you do not have allergies to this product: apply it to the flexion of the elbow and leave for a few hours. If itching, redness or irritation appears, it means that this oil does not fit you. Essential oil cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding without the permission of the doctor. Also be careful when using oil on damaged or irritated skin - an allergic reaction may occur or burns. Do not go out to the street with an oil-applied oil, so as not to get a sunburn.

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