Infections are not scary: strengthen immunity by natural means


In the fight against viruses, we very often neglect with fairly simple ways, which will help not only cope with the unpleasant symptoms of imminent ARVI, but also increase immunity. We will tell you four vitamin recipes to strengthen health and maintain good well-being.

Recipe # 1.

We will need 200 grams. Purified walnuts, as many kuragi, raisins and lemon with a zech. By skipping all the ingredients through the meat grinder, add a tablespoon of honey. Adults are enough one tablespoon per day, children are one tea. Only a few grams of sweet vitamin mix before eating or sleeping will help the body much more efficiently resist various viruses.

Recipe # 2.

We will need nuts again, but already two times less - 100 grams. Grind nuts and mix with rubbed apples in the same proportions, add juice of two lemons and a tablespoon of honey. Also taking on a tablespoon once a day before meals. Deliver to the composition with caution, if you suffer allergies to citrus.

Strengthen health

We strengthen the health of the "delicious" means


Recipe # 3.

As you know, spring is a cold season, which means during this period the question of improving immunity is very acute. With the onset of heat, viruses begin to manifest themselves more actively, therefore, during the first three weeks of spring, immunologists recommend consuming fresh juices of red, for example, cherry, beet, strawberry, blackberry, pomegranate and cranberry. Start from half a glass three times a day, in the second week, cut the use of juices up to two times a day, and on the last week you can drink the juice only once a day.

Recipe # 4.

We will need a kilogram of black-flow rowan, which we wipe together with 1.5 kg. Sahara. Also within the first three weeks we use on a tablespoon before breakfast and dinner. If you prefer drinks, you can insist a tablespoon of berries on a glass of boiling water in a thermos. After five hours you can drink. Be healthy!

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