Toasts, toasts ... what to say?


The magical time has come - winter, the period of family dinners, meetings with friends, corporate evenings. The time of sparkling champagne, beautiful speeches, dancing, music, fun.

Not a single feast, no corporate evening passes without toast, and here we fall a chance to remember leadership and colleagues not only a well-chosen dress, but also a beautiful speech-wish!

What to say? What to wish? How to quickly come up toast if you were caught by surprise?

Let's think about what toasts do not remember? Of course, we will never remember banal toasts - "dry" information, for example, when the extinguished says: "For the health of those present!" And all, on this, his speech ends.

What toasts are remembered for us?

Toast - flattery: "Let's drink for the health of our simplest director Ivan Ivanovich. URU-URA-HR.

Toast - vulgarity: "Let's drink for our potency ...".

Yes, such toasts are remembered, but they do not carry positive emotions, and from such toasses the attitude to you will not be better.

The best toast is incomprehensible - "Positive", which you themselves invented, when you tell those present any interesting story, and then you wish something from a pure heart.

So, a toast is a brief speech, a feast wishes. The easiest way to build according to the "Tale-Conclusion" scheme.

"Tale" - a small story, a prelude. Conclusion - your wishes to the public. You need to remember: the fairy tale is only a prelude that creates a mood with which you conquer the attention of the public, you can absolutely any conclusion from the fairy tale!

What can be told in the "fairy tale"? The story of your life, which can be interesting to everyone, for example, this year we were with Ivan Ivanovich on a business trip and there ...

Under the "fairy tale" you can understand some interesting fact, for example, exactly one hundred years ago, the first vessel passed through the Panaman Canal / in Moscow, the Schukinsky Theater School or, for example, ten years ago, our company launched the first plant, and thanks to this work I learned ...

Under the "fairy tale" also refers to the question that you can ask the public: "What will happen if the earth will turn into the opposite direction?" "Fairy Tale" may be a joke, parable, etc.

An important detail is your "fairy tale" should be short, but detailed so that people can create the video telling of what you tell. To do this, you need to tell you with whom it happened when and where it happened than the event ended or did not end. Your story must be positive!

After you have finished a "fairy tale", the conclusion must follow, that is, the wish.

The wish should be relevant to all those present - the easiest thing that it affects the universal value: for well-being, for health, for our relatives and loved ones, etc.

Let me remind you from any fairy tale you can do absolutely any conclusion: for example, I can talk about my business trip, and wish to meet on my way as much as possible people, health, well-being to us and our families, good luck, patience, etc.

It must be remembered that the toast is a brief public speech. Your speech must be intelligible, thumbnails, so that everyone can hear, confident, you must look at the public, your toast should be an adequate atmosphere of the event.

I wish you a bright and rich new year!

Elena Kushnirenko, graduate of the faculty "Mastery of the Art of Speech" of theatrical Institute. B. Schukina, creative workshop "Intelligent"

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