Star Moms discussed the most important children's questions in the framework of Public Talk on the topic "Freedom of movements"


These and other equally important issues on November 26 were discussed at the Public Talk "Freedom of Movements" in the framework of the world premiere of the new product Pampers - Pampers Premium Care panties.

Famous young mothers were invited to participate in the conversation:

• Oksana Fedorova, TV presenter, model, designer, mother of Fedor's son (2.7 years) and daughter Lisa (1.4 years).

• Tutta Larsen, TV presenter, Mom Son Luke (9 years old) and daughters Martha (4 years).

• Irena Ponaroshka, TV presenter, Mom Son Seraphim (3.8 years).

• Evelina Blonds, Actress, Mom's Sons of Nicholas (20 years) and seeds (2.5 years).

• Ekaterina Mukhin, Vogue magazine stylist, founder of the Internet project "Mother's daughter", Machi daughter's mom (11 years old).

Snezhina Kulova, TV presenter, Fashion-blogger, Mom Son Luke (2 years).

The themes discussed at the meeting are close and relevant for each mom. All of them somehow relate to freedom of movements, which is so necessary for each child.

Oksana Fedorova, Tutta Larsen, Irena Ponaroshka, Evelina Bledans with Son Semen, Ekaterina Mukhina, Snezhina Kulova

Oksana Fedorova, Tutta Larsen, Irena Ponaroshka, Evelina Bledans with Son Semen, Ekaterina Mukhina, Snezhina Kulova

Tutta Larsen: Now children are extremely lacking a free game when they communicate only with each other. When adults do not moderate this process, and the children themselves choose for themselves, what to play and how. Thank God, for this we have a cottage, where 2 days a week, children are provided to themselves. They can be sent by bike or scooter for the gate. At the same time, you always know, on which tree he is now hanging down his head, but do not interfere with it to do it. Even if he spacked his knee, stained his pants, ate the beetle - on health, please, this is his personal experience.

Discussed mothers and how often they take or do not take children to various trips, meetings or shooting, and how affecting personal freedom and the desire of a child to independence.

Ekaterina Mukhina: Many mothers are reinsured, once again they do not go anywhere with children, they throw them away from childhood and closed in rigorous boundaries. I always adhered to another approach. I shoot a lot. And everyone knows that in winter we remove the swimsuits when the poor fashion model in minus 10 in a swimsuit, and on the contrary, in the summer in fur coats. In severe heat, when shooting in the deserts, I never took Masha, because I understood that she would be physically hard, and in a strong cold. But if it is shooting under London, under Paris, then why not?

Continuing the topic of freedom, the participants of Public Talk discussed the most effective ways of interaction with the baby and modern education methods.

Oksana Fedorova: We learn from children, and they have, and they are fine that there are all sorts of techniques, new methods of education, when you go to cooperate with the child, explain to him when there are no categorical punishments. Modern mother understands that the child is a person, he is already born with his character. And he needed not to interfere with the development. They feel how to make it right. They want to scatter pasta - let them scatter. It should be their personal experience. Let them try everything to the touch, then many moments of unnecessary will leave their lives themselves.

A very busy discussion of a common myth that diapers can lead to problems in teaching pots.

Tutta Larsen: There is such a "bulk" for moms that children who wear diapers are very late on the pot, they are written in pants. I remember how it was with us: My children wore diapers, and this we did not bother to teach children to the pot, and both of them quickly coped precisely because for my children, as for any modern child, Freedom of movement, the freedom of its personal space is a very important part of his life.

Each of the star participants of the conversation is a young and stylish mom, so the theme of the children's fashion was as it is impossible. Stylist Ekaterina Mukhina, as the most experienced specialist in these matters, shared his opinion on this topic.

Ekaterina Mukhina: The child should always be comfortable in the clothes you choose. Masha tells me: "Mother, I feel so convenient." Convenient - go, baby. In jeans, sneakers, as you like. But it is necessary to teach since childhood, as where to dress. It is clear if you and your child go to the theater, you have to put it beautifully, explain that we go to the theater. If you go to visit or on a birthday, there is also strange to go in the sweatshirt. But convenience in the first place. So that the child could move, jump, tumbling. We are absolutely the same, and all this can be done on yourself. If you have a shoes less on the size, they are inconvenient, sparks from the eyes, then why do they need them at all? What expensive they would not be.

You never need to impose a child what you like. Masha often asks me - Mom, and what do you like, 60th or 70s? I say I like, this is one. And what do you like? Therefore, I never press it. However, there are moments when the child must comply with the protocol, for example, dress up to school according to the rules. You can help a child, send, but insist on your opinion is not correct.

I remember, we shot the son of one famous person, and we needed to take it in a tuxedo and a butterfly. He began to shoot it right on the shooting. I put it again, and he again removes. As a result, he threw it out, hid somewhere, we did not find it. Such a small, 3 years, and so got angry, so she bothered him, tormented. He had to sit so much for 15 minutes, and some moms dress the child, dressing in crinolines and in life. There must be a balance.

Public Talk passed within the world premiere of the unique panties Pampers Premium Care. This is a revolutionary novelty from Pampers, the world premiere of which took place in Russia. Many of the star mothers had the opportunity among the first in the world to evaluate the benefits of Pampers Premium Care panties. They willingly shared their impressions with guests of both new panties and other Pampers diapers.

Evelina Blonds: We are very happy that now Pampers Premium Care is in the form of panties, because these velcro, they very much interfered. We are already adults, of course. We are already 2.5 years old, even a little more. Therefore, at home we are trying to ask for a pot. But, of course, when we go to people, we put on diapers or panties so that there is no unpleasant randomness.

New panties Pampers Premium Care - this is the choice of Trends Moms who buy only the best for their babies. Soft and comfortable, they provide the baby incredible dryness and freedom of movements, without tearing it from games and daily amazing discoveries. They are so imperceptible that the kid almost does not feel.

Photos are provided by the Agency CBAGENCY

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