Alexander Melman: Ragu from "Blue Birds"


I turn on - and does not work, right as in Zhvanetsky. Probably, I'm some kind of unfounded. After all, there, in the "Blue Bird," people work, whom I immeumably respect. Dasha Zlatopolskaya is just beautiful, although I love her not for it. For what? For the "White Studio", however, for some reason you look so little, lazy, do not know, do not understand what kind of wonderful interviewer.

And Tsiskaridze respect, and Matsueva, and rootless, and Pogudin. And Pushkin, Yesenin, Jesus Christ, Vysotsky and Boris Godunova in one person - so simply love.

They are laid out in full, truly, in the Hamburg account. They are not indifferent, so love these ingenious children. And the non-negative also love (although ingenious more). Here I'm tense.

State program ... "State" - keyword, pathetic. As if at the bottom: here, look, what are our wonderful children in Russia! Enjoy them, proud of. This is our future, yes. So, Russia has a future.

Children themselves are beautiful. They are not to blame. I would be very cynical, I would say that they are used. So for this very much ... But I will not say, I will not take sin on the soul.

And still I miss ease, naturalness. And another scenario, well, at least some. These are such numbers, rather static, in no way turning one to another. That is, as it may be served by children in portions: on the first - this magnificent boy standing on his head, the second is a girl playing Mozart on a balalaica, on the third - all sorts of Solovyov's imitators. Yes, there is still Solovyov, and this explains a lot.

Probably, I do not understand anything. After all, it should be rejoiced from the soul, from the bottom of my heart, that the children are so turned out. And if I do not enjoy, it means I'm not a patriot. Well, I don't think so.

Just as Sinyavsky said, I have stylistic disagreements with the Soviet government. That is, with this program, which "Russia" puts so much.

But I, of course, are wrong. I know that people will be against, against me. Surely I know that maybe I will even stay in proud loneliness. And they like the people, he looks and dislike. Many believe.

I also want to believe. But how? Well, do something guys so that I watched it without taking off like the inspected. And then wrote enthusiastic articles. And he would devote them to Dasha Zlatopolskaya. However, kill, I can not.

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