5 facts about Marina Vlad


Fact number 1. She is our compatriot

Mother Marina Valdi Militsa Evgenievna Enwald came from the nobles. Her father, grandfather Marina, was the general of the royal army. Militsa graduated from the Smolny Institute for noble maiden. When pogroms began in Sank-Petersburg, Envald was forced to emigrate to Belgrade. Here Militsa became ballerina.

Marina began to act in episodes from 11 years

Marina began to act in episodes from 11 years

Frame from the movie "Sorry me my French" (1951)

Father actress Vladimir Vasilyevich Polyakov-Baydarov took place from Ukrainian Gypsies. By the beginning of the First World War, he graduated from the Moscow Conservatory and wanted to go to the front volunteer, but he did not take it. Vladimir was the only breadwinner at his widowed mother. Then he went to France and entered the military service there was a pilot. When the war ended, Vladimir remained in Paris, a conservative education was useful - he was hired to work in Opera.

FACT number 2. Marina Vlad - pseudonym

Ekaterina Marina Vladimirovna Polyakova-Baydarova - so truly names the actress. She was born in the French city of Clichi-La Garen on May 10, 1938.

Her parents met in Belgrade. Marina still has three sisters - Olga, Tanya, Militsa. Marina - younger. All except Militsa chose an acting career.

Young Marina broke the heart of a partner - Marchelo Masthani

Young Marina broke the heart of a partner - Marchelo Masthani

Frame from the film "Black Feathers" (1952)

The pseudonym "Vlad" appeared after the death of the Father, whom Marina adored, is the first letters of his name. Under this name, she is also known in Russia, and in France.

Fact number 3. Actress without education

In childhood and youth, Marina was engaged in the Paris Choreographic School, but Ballerina, as a mother, did not become, but he acquired a good posture and grace. It was useful to her in the acting profession.

The image of Lilian Noble, a girl who is afraid of the III world, brought the world famous fame

The image of Lilian Noble, a girl who is afraid of the III world, brought the world famous fame

Frame from the movie "Before Flood" (1953)

I received my first role in the episode of Marina at 11 years old thanks to the older sister Tatiana, who played the main character in the film "Summer Thunderstorm." There were many such episodes, so far she finally did not give her a major role. The "first-class girl" with Marina Vlady on the poster went on screens in the early 50s. And the picture "Before the Flood" brought the actress of the real success and the prize of Susann Bianchatti.

Fact number 4. Recognition in the USSR

In the Soviet Union about the Vlady, after entering the screens of the film "Sordunya", in which the actress played a major role. Heroine, and with her and her performer fell in love with the Soviet audience.

Soviet viewer learned the actress in the role of a forest wizard in 1959

Soviet viewer learned the actress in the role of a forest wizard in 1959

Frame from the movie "Sordring" (1956)

In the 50s Marina worked a lot. She was particularly successful with the first husband, an actor with Russian roots Robert Ossane. Their joint film "Verdict", published in 1959, was noted at the film festival in Moscow.

Marco Ferreri Ribbon "Queen Bee" 1963 brought Marina world fame. The picture received the prize of the Cannes Festival, and the Vlad was also nominated for the Golden Globe.

Fact number 5. Rock beauty

There were many novels in the life of blonde beauties. The first 18-year-old Marchello Mastroynni, with whom they filmed together in the film "Black Feathers" did not resist against Char 15-year-old Marina. The temperamental Italian taught actress the first lessons of flirting, as she wrote in his memoirs. Mastroanni introduced a girl with the "necessary" actors and directors.

Directed by Orson Wells and Jean-Luke Godar made her proposal to become a wife, but Marina preferred to them a colleague, 28-year-old Robert Ossein, known to the audience for the role of Joffrey de Peiraka in Angelica. By the way, marina should be played the main character in this film, but because of the scandals with her husband, Vlad refused to role. From Ossene, she gave birth to two sons Igor and Peter.

With the first husband of Robert Ossein in the adaptation of Dostoevsky

With the first husband of Robert Ossein in the adaptation of Dostoevsky

Frame from the film "Crime and Punishment" (1956)

The second marriage with the pilot Jean-Claude Bruie was short. From him, Marina came out with his son Vladimir and a broken heart.

To treat the soul of the priest went to the homeland of the ancestors, she received an offer from Sergey Yutkevich to play in the picture "I am flying to Moscow." In the capital, she planned to work for a couple of months, but he met Vysotsky. This novel was 12 years old. Marina admits that the singer was the main love and passion for his life.

Vladimir Vysotsky became the main love of her life

Vladimir Vysotsky became the main love of her life

Frame from the film "Their Two" (1977)

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