How to understand the appearance of a man, whether he is suitable for you in sex


At the very beginning it is difficult to soberly appreciate the prospects for further relations with a new partner. Sometimes women are too drunk by the cavalier, so they do not immediately come to the conclusion, whether this person is suitable for a long pastime or not. Nevertheless, there are signs for which you can assess how compatible are you sexually compatible.

Imagine that you are already on the second date. You're getting closer to a delicate topic, it's time to be determined, give him a chance or defect. It is extremely important to at least imagine that you are waiting for him in bed. If you are planning a long-term relationship, you will need to learn to understand and predict the desires of the partner so that neither you nor your second half think about finding new sensations with another person.

Pay attention to the appearance

Although women and love ears, change tactics and deal with visual analysis of the potential lover. What sensations do you have? Is he cute? Focus on your favorite type: someone prefers brunettes, someone give red, and someone is not indifferent to Lyshim. In the first meeting, we present, at least in the theory, we will have sex with this person or not. If your inner voice precompanies, you can continue to study the chosen man.

You're getting closer to a delicate topic, it's time to define, give him a chance or defect

You're getting closer to a delicate topic, it's time to define, give him a chance or defect


Sniff out

No, we are not talking about the perfume of your companion. Obeying nature, we, without noticing, choose a partner by smell. You caught yourself on the fact that you see in front of yourself a not a remarkable man, but he attracts so much that it becomes not in itself? It's all about a chemical reaction that occurs when smelling in our brain. You can be sure if you feel the invisible attraction that you cannot explain yourself, the whole thing is in compatibility of smells. The perfect option when the man is crazy about your smell.

How he says

Much can be understood by the man talking. Of course, during the conversation, you will learn about the interests of a person, how much to meet his ideas - and on the contrary, however, it is much more important what is hidden in his speech. He can make unobtrusive hints, for example, says that he loves the militants, while you are a fan of melodram. Most likely, in bed, both will be uncomfortable in bed, because with a lot of probability he loves rude sex, and you prefer a more careful attitude.

Focus on your favorite type

Focus on your favorite type


Gestures will tell about many

The way he says is moving and sits, reflects his character and in bed. Pay attention to this important point. You will be able to "read" in the gestures in advance about his self-confidence, openness, attitude towards you. According to gestures, it is really possible to roughly define whether the night will bring pleasure with this.

If you feel the invisible attraction that you yourself can not explain, the whole thing is in compatibility of smells

If you feel the invisible attraction that you yourself can not explain, the whole thing is in compatibility of smells


Habit - Second Nature

All people have habits, harmful or demonstrative. It is by habits that surrounding us often assessed. We advise you to pay attention to the habits of a potential partner. Suppose you go with him to a restaurant, he takes the menu and starts to study it carefully. This man knows what he wants, and in bed will immediately give you this to understand. Conservatives in bed typically order the simplest dishes. If he orders an exotic dish, an experimenter caught you.

How he likes to have fun

What is the cultural program of your dates? Maybe you love the museum? Go to the park? What entertainment prefers a man, talks about his sexual preferences. You can definitely say that a man who loving monotonous sex will not go on the clodder. But men in which there are thrust to the beautiful, art, are very inventive, as a rule, they are not repeated.

Do not rush to move to the sex. To begin with, learn the potential partner. If you are confident in compatibility, the man does not entail you and is responsible for reciprocating - full forward!

How he says is moving, sits, reflects his character and in bed

How he says is moving, sits, reflects his character and in bed


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