Oleg Gazmanov: "Every my child gives me another life"


- Oleg, remember you have a house in which you grew up? What were the traditions in your family?

- I remember perfectly. It was a German home, very long like Barack. Six entrances and two and a half. Half of the floor was occupied by the attic. In one entrance there were two families who were also shared by a common garden. Alone with the neighbors collected apples that were kept from us until May. I have very bright children's memories. From seven years, I grew up without a father, and my mother worked as a doctor, went for the whole day, and I was granted myself. I remember that for the new year we always dressed up the Christmas tree, a real, smelling cheese. And my mother and I did the toys themselves, cut them out of paper. Because in post-war Kaliningrad with toys had problems. And in the garden we grew a stunning raspberry, a German variety. And there were no worms in it. I am in the summer, in the holidays, the flawlshelushka races, got it, got there, read the adventure books, pulled his hands to the touch Raval Malina. And when the berries ended, I moved to the next Kush. And so could spend all day.

- If you return to childhood, then what would it be a day?

- I do not know what day I would choose. I was happy most of my childhood. Despite the rather severe post-war situation, food and clothing problems. Any day, except for the first of September, when I went to the first class. On this day, despite the fact that my mother held my hand, a drunk woman was shot down on a moped. And I got to the hospital, I made an operation, stitched an eyebrow. I still have a scar left.

"Do you remember how I first saw and took your son of Rodion?"

- Of course I remember. For some reason it seemed to me that he had a very big nose, Caucasian. (Laughs.) But over time, everything was leveled. And I remember one moment when Rodion was for several months - I was completely small, I was lying in the wheelchair and did not say yet. And before the weather forecast, the famous melody was playing. And Rodion repeated her with a thin voice. That's, I immediately understood that he would sing.

Rodion Gazmanov sang about the dog named Lucy when he was 7 years old

Rodion Gazmanov sang about the dog named Lucy when he was 7 years old

- What would you like to tell Rodion, but did not say?

- Probably, more often you need to say that I love it. But somehow it is not very accepted between men. I love him. He is my son. My firstborn.

- What did the son taught you?

- Not only Rodion, but all the children of all of us, adults, teach. They teach us to be happy - do not think about problems. All children are happy. And then they grow up, many worries appear, and happiness evaporates somewhere. Now I have a third child, the youngest, the daughter of Maryshka, - I live the third life through the eyes of my third child. That is, every my child gives me another life. Together with them I am surprised to surrounding the world and it is thanks to them that I understand that sometimes just to look at the sea is already happiness.

- In your opinion, are you a good father?

- It is probably better to ask Rodion. And he, of course, you will not say that I am bad. (Laughs.) Therefore, truth is actually hidden. I guess I'm not a very good father, because I rarely see my children. I would like to see them more often, but the touring schedule does not give me this opportunity.

Rodion Gazmanov

Rodion Gazmanov

Rodion Gazmanov: "I really try to be a good son"

- Rodion, remember you have a house in which you grew up? What were the traditions in your family?

- I lived in Kaliningrad, and in Moscow, and in the suburbs. Different places and different houses. When we lived in Silver Bor, I loved to ride a bike with a dog. Now in the house we love to fry meat with the Father. This is a very good tradition. We compete with him, who will cook tastier. And when we just moved to Moscow and lived near the Suschevsky Vala, then our house held a tram line. And if tram passed, it was not heard working on the full volume of the TV. And I had to talk very loudly with each other.

- If you return to childhood, then what would it be a day?

- Probably the day when I first got behind the scenes. I was then a little more than three years. My dad took with me on tour. He then worked in the Kaliningrad group "Galaxy".

- Your most bright member of the Father?

- Just, probably, the moment when he took me with himself on tour. I saw it works on stage. Then very few people in the country knew who Oleg Gazmanov. There was no "squadron" nor "officers", nor "sailor". But the father's father was already doing. And the audience took it wonderful. I did not know then that it should be very soon to shoot. But the atmosphere, which was shrouded, of course, is unique.

Oleg and Rodion Gazmanovy together go on stage for almost 30 years

Oleg and Rodion Gazmanovy together go on stage for almost 30 years

- What would you like to say father, but did not say?

- I think that never excessive to tell the parents that you love them. It is impossible to say this enough time. Therefore, I try and dad, and mom say it at each other case.

- What did your father taught you?

- He taught and continues to learn to be strict to himself. Demanding. Perhaps this spoils my character because I am getting demanding even to others. But the moment when you understand what you can do better, and do, very important. You can leave everything as it is, but do not calm down on it. This voidability is very important to what you do. This lacks many musicians to succeed.

- In your opinion, are you a good son?

- I really try to be. That's important for me.

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