Intars Busulis: "I could not even tie the shoelaces without dirty


"I never felt a handsome in my life - even now, when I am in my optimal weight, 82 kilograms. Although there were such times when my weight reached up to 96 kilograms. My life loss story began with the fact that last year I decided to start to eat consciously: cut the amount of sweet, refused cookies and candy.

In full body I really were uncomfortable. I could not normally, without shorting and reddening the face, even tie the shoelaces. Going a hundred steps - and already tired. And now I consciously go through the stairs, the escalator in the subway is on foot - both down and up is my personal life lifty for weight loss, excellent cardionage. Now, when I dropped extra weight, I had a desire to constantly move, although I had never had ever thought before, I didn't even think about it.

It seems to me, I used to be purely psychologically ready for restrictions in nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. But, having tried once, I turned around, I liked it. I liked the food without salt and sugar, I began brighter to feel tastes, I love to replace sugar on honey.

It all started at that moment when to us on the Latvian "X-factor", where I participate in the jury, a boyfriend came under the name "Baritons". I suggested to jointly begin to lose weight "on the dispute." We then even concluded a contract with one restaurant of the right nutrition and the gym. For three months, everything went great! I got involved and continued to lead a healthy lifestyle - which I do to this day. As for those guys from the group - they, as soon as the project ended, went to tour in the country and left our bet.

Intars Busulis:

"I suggested a boyz-bandu" Baritons "together to start losing weight" on the dispute ""

Then I began to drop weight very quickly - the first 4 kilograms went instantly, the excess water merged. It became easier for me to even wake up and fall asleep!

Now I dragged into this business already and my wife. Eat healthy food, which is prepared for us in the same restaurant, with which a contract was concluded a year ago, a consideration of alcohol was much less often to allow themselves, although I used to be often able to drink 300 grams of brandy after my speech. Now I will also be preferred to go to bed after the concert, gain strength.

The main role in the process of losing weight is still playing sports. Power is only 30-35% of success, so it is necessary to introduce activity on an ongoing basis. I have from physical loads, first of all, the scene, and in the warm season I also add jogging. I love to run in the fresh air - and useful, and it is interesting to see the world around the world, on people, in nature, for everything that will fall on the road. And in general, I always try to move as much as possible - for example, often I choose the subway instead of a taxi.

Do not deny yourself any products completely. If you really want something, then eat it. But most importantly, control the quantity. No one can ban it to do it - neither coach or nutritionist. Hard restrictions always inevitably lead to breakdowns.

Another secret of the right weight loss is to drink enough water. It is water! Not tea, not juice, not Morse. Water drink restores water balance in the body, which speeds up the metabolism. And we often confuse thirst with hunger. Sometimes it is enough just to drink a glass of water - and this feeling disappears.

I stopped there for the night - and noticed a colossal result! First, it really affects the voice. If you sing before bedtime and go to bed in a horizontal position, gastric juice, apparently, falls into the esophagus, which very negatively affects the bundles, the voice does not sound completely.

Intars Busulis:

"Now I am in my optimal weight - 82 kilograms. Although there were such times when my weight reached 96 kilograms"

I came here to what conclusion: the more you move, the more work you have (in my case it is a scene, a very energy cost of activity), the less you have the opportunity to even think about food - respectively, you drop weight. But during the holidays, I am gaining a couple of kilograms, and it is absolutely normal. In Christmas holidays, for example, you can give yourself to relax and enjoy the pastime fully.

And it is still very important to sleep enough for your body the amount of time. It helps to recover correctly if you perform workouts, and also significantly accelerates metabolism.

Summing, the main rules of my weight loss - not at night, get enough sleep - sleep, at least seven o'clock, - drink plenty of water and in moderation there are fat, sweet and flour.

I recommend everyone who has an excess weight, find a motivation to reset it - this is the best investment in your future, in your old age. And to find this motivation, you need to understand what exactly you want to lose weight: for yourself, for my health, for the aesthetics of your body? Understand what is all and what you are willing to squeeze it. It is likely that it is not necessary for you. But if you still feel this need to bring your body into shape, start doing it now! "

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