If you are a little over 40 ... Secrets of care


After forty years, one of the main reasons for the general fading of the body is a violation of a hormonal background. At this age, aging begins to progress, which is reflected in the first place for the appearance of a woman.

After the occurrence of Klimaks, the estrogen hormone is produced in much smaller quantities, and it is he who is responsible for the processes of skin updating. It turns out that the old layer is worse than it, new cells slow down growth, as a result of which the person acquires an unhealthy earthy hue. Skin breathing as well as blood circulation is disturbed. Salvation in this case will be peeling, but one procedure will not be enough, it will take a course.

The old layer is worse than the new cells slow down, as a result, the face acquires an earthy hue

The old layer is worse than the new cells slow down, as a result, the face acquires an earthy hue

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Here is what advises Dermatologist and Cosmetologist Natalia Kovalenko:

"Recommended skin care: peelings for skin cleansing, nutritious and moisturizing masks and serums, regular massage, which allows you to increase skin tone, get rid of edema, nasal nasolabial folds and other age problems."

To restore an attractive skin of the skin and legs, use exfoliating tools or scrubs, but be careful with them, since the scrubs contain rigid particles damaging the upper layer of the skin.

Read carefully on the package, for which parts of the body one or another product is intended

Read carefully on the package, for which parts of the body one or another product is intended

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Closer to forty secretion of the sebaceous glands slows down, respectively, the skin is poorly protected from the external environment, it becomes vulnerable. In this case, it is necessary to replenish the balance of missing lipids with the help of drugs.

Recommended skin care: peelings for skin cleansing, nutritious and moisturizing masks and serum

Recommended skin care: peelings for skin cleansing, nutritious and moisturizing masks and serum

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

"It is also possible to recommend fractional rejuvenation, rf-lifting, niettheva lifting, biorevitalization, mesotherapy, plasmolifting, botulinity, injection of hyaluronic acid-based filients or calcium hydroxyapatite to replenish lost volumes," Kovalenko believes.

There may be problems with blood microcirculation. Nutrients, as everyone knows, come to organs with blood, so it is necessary to maintain the process of blood flow to the skin cover, providing oxygen cells. Here you will help all sorts of masks and special creams. Carefully read on the package, for which parts of the body one or another product is intended.

May arise problems with blood microcirculation

May arise problems with blood microcirculation

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

"After 40, skin care should be more thorough, - emphasizes the beautician. - In mandatory, use anti-aging cosmetics. At the same time, pay attention to the active components of the creams that are listed on the labels. With age, collagen, hyaluronic acid, natural oils and vitamins helps us with age. It will not be superfluous in the composition of silicone cream (cyclohexasiloxane), which smoothes wrinkles, magnesium that contributes to improving blood microcirculation, carite oil or argan wood for high-quality food, vitamins A and E. Use Creams with UV filters even in the cold season, so As the sun rays have a negative impact on our skin, contributing to the appearance of pigmentation and accelerating the wilting of the epidermis. Do not neglect salon treatments. "

Use Creams with UV filters even in the cold season

Use Creams with UV filters even in the cold season

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

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