Detox programs: get rid of extra


How to behave to stay healthy and beautiful? In the history of cosmetology, and it consists of thousands and thousands of years, people came to the only right conclusion: it is important to be able to not harm and get rid of extra. Under this excess, we understand toxins, which means that detoxification will go into the move, or simply detox.

Who only does not invite us to get rid of some slags and toxins! We are frightened by the accumulations of "garbage" inside our body, which must be urgently disposed. It is important to understand that the detoxification that does not impose doctors, most likely, has nothing to do with official medicine. No need to specifically clean the vessels or the liver to put yourself in order. As a rule, with a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and normal drinking mode, the body independently copes with all toxic substances falling into the blood. For example, when taking tablets or inhalation of polluted air of the metropolis. With a serious load it is worth helping to cope, connecting a special green diet, regular non-physical exertion and breathing practices. All this is comprehensively affected by our filters - liver, kidneys, lungs, lymphatic system and skin.

Nothing extra

Actually, the skin is one of the important "cleansing structures" of our body. In addition to its direct function - the withdrawal of lactic acid - it takes the function of breathing, working in a tandem with the lungs. The better the skin feels, the better the whole organism - and, of course, the better you look. Therefore it is very important that the epidermis functioning is one hundred percent. At the same time, we cannot take care of yourself in pieces, choosing to care for the skin, but forgetting about the internal organs. So, arguing about the right deoxide, we are talking about the whole complex of measures that will help us get rid of the "ballast".

Include in the menu as greater green vegetables and fruits

Include in the menu as greater green vegetables and fruits


So, we know that the condition of the skin almost directly depends on the operation of the gastrointestinal system. Hence the first - and the most difficult one - a step in a detox program, which we can provide ourselves. Cleaning the body is not a sacred ritual or a reception of some special pills, powders or infusions from germinated seeds. Everything is much more prose: we exclude "white" carbohydrates (propheted potatoes, bananas, rice, wheat flour products and, of course, sugar). It is impossible to completely eliminate carbohydrates, because we change the usual products on the brown rice, wholegrain bread, movies or corn.

In general, it is worth reconsidering your diet, excluding products from it with dyes, taste amplifiers, preservatives and other food additives. A little salt, slightly natural spices - that's all you can afford. Include in the menu as greater green vegetables and fruits: zucchini, broccoli, avocado, celery, sweet pepper, pear, sour apple, Kiwi will become the main detox diet. Do not forget about fats and proteins: cottage cheese, fish, solid cheeses - you can allow themselves at any time.

We cannot but remind: follow the drinking mode, not exceeding the dosage of thirty milliliters per kilogram of weight. Remember that too abundant drinking is also not very helpful: it is better to keep the golden middle and standard two liters of water a day.

Power purification - the process is not easy, stressful. Exactly! After all, you are accustomed to the other - to harmful snacks, semi-finished products, lack of green vegetables. It is not necessary to rush into the outer with your head: according to statistics, if a person immediately sits on a tough diet without preparation, in seven of ten cases he breaks up in the first two weeks. In case of slightly, turn on complex carbohydrates, eliminate sugar, install a reminder of the glass of water in the phone - so you get into the process and tighten to a new wave.

Depending on which goals you put yourself, the detox program can be short-term - up to ten days, as well as to draw a way of life. In any case, the acquisition to the Site movement even for a while will have a positive effect on the work of your body.

Breathe, do not breathe

By simulating the work of the gastrointestinal tract, it's time to start directly to the epidermis detox. The essence of all manipulations is to make the skin can fully fulfill its functions. We act on the top layer and sebaceous glands with cosmetics, massage, water procedures, trying to deeply clean the skin, improve the pores, restore the metabolic processes that will allow it to breathe.

Clay masks - perhaps the most ancient cosmetology component that did not disappear the notable ladies of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome

Clay masks - perhaps the most ancient cosmetology component that did not disappear the notable ladies of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome


There are direct readings to conduct a detox program. These are visible to the naked eye of the change of epidermis, for example, swelling, dim color, active peeling, which has not come due to peeling, rash, violations in the work of the sebaceous glands. But even if you have not yet found a bouquet, it will not be superfluous to carry out a complex cleaning, and it is possible to do it regularly - once a month. By the way, early spring is the best time for detoxification of the whole organism: the sun's rays are not so active. And the risk of the appearance of sites of hyperpigmentation is low.

The base of the base is an acid peeling, which we can carry out at home. So, we choose milk or glycolic acid in small concentrations. Before applying the composition, you need to thoroughly wash the appropriate to you and dry out the face with flossing movements. The exposure time of acids on the skin - from five to fifteen minutes, depending on the type of epidermis and your tolerance to active substances (so, if you have already tried this kind of products, you can safely wait for all ten minutes).

After a large number of running water, you can wash the peeling, the most basic thing begins. The main detox product is a mask, and it is important to choose the one that will really be effective. It is best to act with encapsulated oxygen - the very "effervescent" products that improve the metabolism in the epidermis, returned to the face even tone and healthy color.

The competitive oxygen traditionally protrudes are clay masks - perhaps the most ancient cosmetology component, which did not disappear the notable ladies of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. The clay has a stunning ability to "pull" pollution from the pores, helps bloodsucm, erases rutters and scars. Clay, mixed on hyaluronic acid, with the addition of vitamin E or suitable esters (strictly in a minimum dosage!) - The most powerful means of deoxide.

Alginates (marine algae-based products) are capable of working on a par with clay, removing the effects of life in a polluted medium, bad habits and exposure to the body of heavy metals salts.

Whatever the mask you choose, wash it off with massage movements - in addition to the effective removal of excess cosmetics, you relax the muscles and increase blood circulation, thereby increasing the bioavailability of useful ingredients.

I remember about the face, do not forget about the body! Here any restrictions were removed here - let me in the course of hard scrubs, including home production, work with a dry brush, spend a contrast druising sessions - all starts the lymphatic system that helps the skin look and feel great. After the shower, refuse time from heavy butters and lotions, replacing them with natural basic products - jojoba oils, olives, carite.

Detox culture in cosmetology is an important component of your care. But it is not worth fanatically flying to get rid of toxins. The best thing you can do for your skin is to allow it to work independently, providing all the conditions for this.

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