Go out: Calculate the interlocutor liars


People who are trying to receive something from us fraudulently occur almost everywhere, however, not each of us can calculate the deceiver at a glance. So how not to get on the hook of a liar? We will tell.

Larz does not look straight in the eye

Most often, the look of a dishonest person begins to run so that you cannot look into his eyes. Nevertheless, many manipulators have mastered another technique - during the conversation, they look like you right in the eyes, trying to give their words more believability. If you notice that a person is too persistently trying to catch your view or, on the contrary, avoids direct contact, it is worth alerting and treat him with suspicion.

Liar loves long speech

As a rule, people who know how to talk beautifully, cause admiration among the public, than and enjoying many deceivers. The person who wants something from you to get a dishonest way will be in the colors to paint the advantages of your proposal, various consultants and sellers are especially often used by this technique. The point is that you lose the thread of the conversation, then it is easier for you to bring to feelings and push to purchase or consent with the opinion of the manipulator.

Liars avoid direct visual contact

Liars avoid direct visual contact

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Follow his gestures

Pose and gestures also talk about a person. Let it have excellent oratorical abilities, but clamped pose, horsery on a chair, constant nervous correction of clothing suggests that a person is not too opened in front of you. Recover with caution to his words.

Larz does not miss the details

When your interlocutor is started in detailed descriptions of events, it is worth thinking, and whether everything in his words deserves your attention? Loens sincerely believe that more weight adds their stories, although in reality the case is exactly the opposite - the interlocutor is alarming a large number of "lyrical deviations".

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