Igor Sarukhanov: "Family conflicts are nonsense"


Last eight years, the life of Igor Sarukhanov is largely subordinated to the interests of his children. The famous musician broke up with the metropolitan fuss and tries to create ideal conditions for his favorite girls in the Moscow region: Supbo Tatiana and two daughters - Luba and Roses.

- Igor, many of your colleagues recognized that the musical career and children do not always combine. Have you felt it after the birth of daughters?

- The most important thing is priorities. It is very important to understand that a person who devotes himself to the art is a difficult person. This is a doomed person, I would say. But if there is a head on the shoulders, you can merge everything. If there are children, a wonderful house and a beautiful family, you can be successful, work, devote yourself to art. I have an additional motivation to work - two children. But if earlier I have passed on forty concerts per month, now from five to ten. And if I see that it is too many, I try to leave no more than seven speeches. I love to go on stage and love to communicate with my viewer, give an interview. But at the same time I love that after work I remained forces and the desire to communicate with your loved ones and raise your mood.

- That is, you can trust children?

- Sure. I can do everything myself. I can change diapers, cook porridge, play, read the baby fairy tales. I get up at seven in the morning, leading an older daughter to school, it gives me pleasure.

- Your older daughter for eight years. What is it busy besides school?

- Lyuboye is already wonderful handles music, vocal, piano, guitar. We live near Zvenigorod, where the Cultural Center for the Love Orlova is located, where she protrudes once a month. She is also studying at school in Zvenigorod. By the way, the quality of learning is great, I checked. I have a mom in education Teacher of Russian language and literature. Pope taught at the institute, and I am serious about learning about learning. Before giving a child, I all rejected. True, it came to this conclusion: where would the child learn - there will be no success without a tutor. In addition to studies and lessons with tutoring, a love is engaged in ballroom and sports dancing. The youngest also dances. At the same time, everything quickly understands and grasps, although even barely says. Tatiana said she had very good deposits, she paints well. Tatyana Saruhanova - artist of Russia. Therefore, the daughter has a very interesting relationship with paints. Well, while rose is only two years old.

Elder daughter Igor Saruhanova Eight years, younger only two. Both girls are interested in creativity and houses for this have all the conditions

Elder daughter Igor Saruhanova Eight years, younger only two. Both girls are interested in creativity and houses for this have all the conditions

Photo: Svetlana Mursi-Lozhzh

- Children often arises a struggle for the attention of parents ...

- I would say, they have a struggle for attention at all. If I suddenly hugged a love and kissed her or encouraged for the fact that she received the "five," Rosa is already running: and I, and me ... She, of course, jealous. And this is normal. But we try to do everything so that you get to get both girls. In general, I have good daughters grow. Roses have the same snacks, curls, like me. (Laughs.)

- By the way, about appearance. Last year, you were sixty years old that many are very surprising. Tell us about your elixir youth?

"Still, if we believe and say, the paths of the Lord are inspired, I think he does everything to look young and engaged in his profession." I completely and fully give myself to what he gave me, and I try to notger the Lord.

- plus a healthy lifestyle ...

- Yes, I try to eat right. There are up to seven hours. There is less meat. Not to fit everything in a row, and with water as much ... the less you eat, the better you look.

- You have seen you so long ago in karaoke. Unexpected passion for professional artist ...

- I was there at work. I created a Music Festival "Sarukhanov Music Fest", in which I give the opportunity to those who love to sing, reach a new level. We select participants in each of the cities in which the festival is held. And these contestants will enter the scene of the concert hall in Moscow at the final concert. The winning will be able to record its first single in a professional studio. They will also be able to fulfill my songs in my concert under the accompaniment of the group. I, thus I give life to my songs for many years.

His country paradise Igor and his spouse were invented without assistance

His country paradise Igor and his spouse were invented without assistance

Photo: Svetlana Mursi-Lozhzh

- They say that your spouse has dedicated one of his paintings by the famous hurt "Violin-Lisa" ...

- From her work this is my favorite. In our house only her paintings and hangs. There is romance, there is an eclecticism. Pictures are bright, daring, I really like her style.

- And for your image, too, Tatiana is responsible?

"No, I can't burden her with such things." In general, I do a lot of things. Moreover - and at home too.

- I heard you and His built almost did not do ...

- I deceived the former assistant to which I trusted. Therefore, I had to take everything into your hands. I even created a sketch myself, purchased the materials, controlled the process. But Tanya also had a lot of designer ideas in the house. I always advise with her now, she is very creative, after all three higher education.

- According to statistics, the finish of the house is one of the most frequent reasons for the family quarrels ...

- We can not quarrel, the children see everyone. I can, of course, say: you need to do so. She is yes-yes, you're right. And that's it. Sometimes I want to shout on the phone on someone - we are all living people. But you stop yourself, because a number of children's ears that everyone hears. In my nature is not a conflict person. I believe that conflicts are nonsense that does not bring any benefit to anyone. Family - especially.

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