Stress VS. Orgasm: how excitement affects the quality of sex


Recently, the stress level rose several times, solving household problems, we begin to think about sex less often. However, it is not necessary to give in to a panic and postpone sex until better times - now the time is good to learn a partner, because time it became a little more. But what to do if stress becomes pleasure on the path? We will help solve this problem.

Do you need sex

First of all, you must clearly determine if you really suffer from lack of sex or problem in your partner, which does not suit the frequency of intimate contacts. Sex always requires the participation and desires of both sides, and therefore, if you are not configured to proximity, let's say, in the next couple of days, it is not necessary to overplay through ourselves if only partner was pleased. Try to talk with a partner and explain the situation, you will still have to catch the missed And now concentrate on yourself and put the thoughts and feelings.

Try to understand what exactly is not

As a rule, we know our body much better than a partner, which means nothing prevents us from enjoying and without his participation. Spend an experiment: Use all the ways to help you enjoy. If you are comfortable alone with you, but during sex with a partner you do not have any satisfaction, most likely the case is not at all in sex, but in your attitude to the partner. In this case, it is necessary to find the reason why you do not feel satisfying, being with your man alone.

Talk to the partner

Talk to the partner


Take advantage of special means

Sometimes, in order to solve the problem of the lack of excitement due to external factors, it suffices to seek help from special means, for example, warming vibrators. These funds enhance the inflow of blood to the genitals, thereby providing additional stimulation, which is not enough at a time when the body struggles with stress and you cannot relax yourself.

Do not force

If the problems with the orgasm began relatively recently, and they are directly related to external factors, it is not worth worrying: as soon as you establish a mental condition, the orgasm will return as nice. Therefore, winding and experiences due to the lack of satisfaction on your part and on the partner side absolutely nothing to do.

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