Passive income: 5 spheres for earnings without effort in 2020


"No money, but you hold on," this phrase, previously said by Dmitry Medvedev, is now remembered especially often. While one during the fall of the global economy is sitting on the couch and argue about the crisis, others take themselves in their hands and begin to work for the good of a brightened one-minded future. Talked with experts and found several areas for earnings in which income revenge will exceed the efforts invested in the case.


In the past couple of years, entrepreneurs understood that the organization of the trading business is not necessarily not necessarily rent a premises, put out goods in it and sell them with an extra charge - all this can be done without investing online. It is enough to find interesting and unique products on the expanses of shopping sites, create a group in VKontakte and page in Instagram, place photos of the found goods found on it and wait for customer orders. The principle of earnings is that you sell the goods with a markup, part of the amount pay the seller of the goods, and the part leave yourself. The seller sends an order directly to the client, and you at this time work on new applications. Such a scheme is suitable for selling any items - from children's toys to clothes and shoes.

Monetization of copyright materials

If you easily and understand the thoughts, try yourself in writing texts. Anna Sinaleva's career expert recommends registering on sites that allow passive income from published materials. Anna, as an entrepreneur and the author of career projects, writes the author's articles on this subject on the Yandex.Dzen platform, to which many companies are connected, including Womanhit. "Yandex.Dzen is a platform with organic traffic. If you make high-quality content that becomes popular, you can make money on it. Moreover, this method can be called passive income, since by creating several articles that will be "virus", you can go on monetization - money is paid for the fact that you show advertising on the page of your material, "the career expert notes.

Expert Womanhit.

Expert Womanhit.

Photo: Anna Sinaleva

Entertainment for the child

The highest paid blogger among children is 7-year-old Ryan, who makes reviews for toys on his YouTube channel, which brought him $ 22 million in 2018. Agree, a good amount for a child? You can earn in the same way if your child likes to buy new toys and work on the camera. It is enough to buy a tripod and put a mobile phone on it by pressing the record button. Installation This video is not required - they are removed by one frame, the maximum is added by the intro channel and background music. Video for children is gaining a lot of views for which you can get money through the monetization program.

Renting premises

Although this method seems incredible due to the need for the formation of initial capital to buy the first room, it is worth noting that everything is possible if desired. You can take a loan for the first room or rent it from the owner, and then pass under the sublease. It is advisable to choose the premises next to the large streets, where the concentration of the people is always observed. It is wiser to rent a large room and divide it into zones from plasterboard walls - you will reduce the cost for tenants, but earn more due to a larger number of customers. Make a simple repair - white walls, bright lighting and laminate on the floor. The neat room will immediately increase its cost - such cabins can be leased to showrooms, tutoring, manicure masters, hairdressers, etc.

Masters of beauty spheres often rent small rooms

Masters of beauty spheres often rent small rooms


Language online courses

During quarantine, many people decided to pay attention to self-development at times more than before. Entrepreneurs immediately picked up this idea and used her for their benefit - launched new online courses. We advise you to do the same if you own some kind of skills. In our opinion, the simplest thing is to write a number of lessons in grammar lessons and vocabulary of the language that you learn using a laptop camera. Then place them on YouTube, make a closed page in instagram with the materials to the course and the file with links to the video. Sell ​​a course through a personal page and small bloggers at a symbolic price - it is better to cover a greater number of people and earn more.

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