And in the morning they woke up ...


Celebrities - also people. And after the holidays, they also sometimes have to fall out. But many of them have their secret recipes that we will tell you about. We study the experience of salvation from the consequences of the Limit of Elizabeth Taylor, Alla Pugacheva, Alena Apina and Svetlana Toma.

Elizabeth Taylor: Cocktail "Bulshot"

"Stormy nights in the best clubs and restaurants of the planet with a huge number of cocktails - I always liked such a lifestyle. And in order to look at all 100% in the morning, I myself prepared a secret cocktail "Bulshot": half a cup of cold meat broth with salt and pepper mixed with a juice of one lemon, a small amount of vodka and horseradish. A glass of such a drink, shower and washing ice cubes - and you are again in great shape. "

Alena Apina: Thick Cracks

Alena Apina. .

Alena Apina. .

"My" crayfish in beer "has long been a popular dish. Even Andrei Makarevich felt all the unusual recipe. It is convenient that when cooking one dish you get three at once.

So, it is necessary to throw it into a large pot: one and a half package of milk, half of the kefir, sticks of cream oil, strips of sour cream, 1 bay leaf, pod of sharp red pepper, tablespoon of adzhika, tablespoon of mustard, 1 bottle of beer domestic production, 1 cup of red Georgian semi-sweet Wines, bug of dill, parsley, cumin, pepper peas and salt. After all this boils, we lower the head of the live crayfish. Cook them 15 minutes. We add a half pack of vodka and cook another 4 minutes. Turn off. Catch off the noise of crayfish. On the first submission of broth, then cancers and for dessert - beer. Real jam!"

Svetlana Toma: vitamin vaccination

Svetlana Toma. Frame from the film

Svetlana Toma. Frame from the film "Tabor goes into the sky."

"My recipe is banana cocktails: after all, scientists have proven that there are substances in bananas to help struggle with stress. So my banana cocktail is very useful. So, the recipe.

A banana is taken, which is cleared, cuts into small cubes, all this is laid in a mixer. Milk (necessarily boiled, and then cooled), sugar syrup and egg yolk are added. After all this is well knocked down, it turns out a very tasty and useful cocktail. "

Alla Pugacheva: with the world of crumb

Alla Pugacheva. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Alla Pugacheva. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Lilia Charlovskaya

"This recipe was invented back in those years when we lived not to say to alone. Therefore, in the morning after a rapid party, a dish was preparing a dish, which I gave the name "Charlipup": just do not ask why this is. Just the word good! So, because after the festivities in the refrigerator, it happened not too thickly, then everything that remained there, turned out to be in the light of God. Meat, sausage, any vegetables and greens - everything will be used in the farm.

Wash the baking tray, fold the stocks found and generously pour mayonnaise. Hot, satisfying, and therefore, useful for the body is ready!

Required note: do not think to add condensed millet to "Charlipup". Remark, by the way, not idle: Once someone from our guests literally perceived the call to lay out on the bastard all found in the refrigerator and added sweet condensed milk. Delicates was spoiled! "

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