All at hand: sports shells that you have at home


In conditions, when visiting the gym is not possible, it is impossible to throw training in any case, because it remains very little time before the summer. We will tell you how to replace professional simulators at home.


Some of the most popular home dumbbells are plastic bottles filled with water. The volume of bottles depends on your usual load: the beginners should begin with a volume of 0.5 liters. If you want to make a workout even more efficient, fill the bottle without water, and wet sand, so the load on the muscles will increase several times. If there is no sand at hand, the usual salt is suitable.

Load on the press

Your favorite press for the press can be replaced with a conventional rolling pin with spinning handles. Such a home exercise machine will provide an excellent load on the press. In addition, you will work out the muscles of the hands, chest, legs and backs. Before using such a video, be sure to put a rubber rug under it.

We carry out the exercise, standing on your knees, roll back and forth, holding the muscles in tension.

do not stop on the way to the body of the dream

do not stop on the way to the body of the dream


Chest Muscle Load

We will need only a few towels, with their help we carry out the exercise "wiring". We put the towels on the floor, go to your knees, put your hands on the towel. During push-ups we drag the hands to the sides (bend the elbows and drive around with your hands on the sides), then we return to its original position.

Load on the press

Most likely, you have no simulator at home to perform exercises to the press, but it is easy to replace it with a pillow or ball. We choose a pillow with a feathers, as the zealfiber is not recommended for such experiments. Straighten your back, take the ball or pillow in hand. Turning the housing, leaning with a pillow or ball to the leg, deploy to the other side and raise the shell to the eye level. Returning to its original position. Using the exercise, you can quickly get rid of "barrels".

Hand Muscle Load

Hands worth paying special attention, because we often forget about them, and without embossed forearm your figure will not look impressive. To perform the exercise, we need a regular sofa. With it, we perform reverse pushups into triceps. We are deployed with your back to the sofa, put your hands on his edge, we retain the straightened legs forward. In this position, we lower the pelvis, passing along the way and flexing your hands. We repeat the exercise 15 times.

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