Europe and Asia are called medieval tournaments, firewalk and colorful rituals


National traditions: from missiles to Travel Leopold Bloom

End of spring - the beginning of summer is rich in national celebrations. Here are the most interesting of them.

May 14. Thailand. Rocket festival

The capital of this holiday is considered the main city of the province of Isan - Yasotohon. On the days of the festival, millions of tourists come here. Everyone is interesting to see how locals spend the ritual of rain challenge with homemade missiles. Northeast of Thailand region is the most arid. And the time of time, local residents in the spring made rockets, which then launched into the sky with a view to remind the gods: Water needs. Over time, it turned into a colorful holiday, which is accompanied by dancing, songs, fair festivals.

May 21st. Greece. Pirovassia

Pivalssia, or fire, is a holiday that traditionally notes the small people of the anasthenicians in Northern Greece. Despite the fact that the Orthodox Greek Church announces firewood pagans, they themselves consider their holiday to Christian and celebrate it to the glory of Saints Constantine and Elena. Three-day celebrations begin with the overall prayer of residents of the towns and villages of Northern Greece. And then, entering the trance, people start barefoot to walk on glowing coals, unfolded, as a rule, on the central squares of settlements. Overhead of firewood hold icons with the image of St. Helena and St. Constantine. It is believed that it was they who were awarded the anastanarians to go on fire without burns - in gratitude for gratitude for the fact that in 1250, the locals made the icons of these saints from the burning church. It is believed that the last fire cleans his aura and moves forward with new forces.




26 of May. South Korea. Spring Festival Cannes Dano

The holiday dedicated to the future harvest is rooted in antiquity. He is first mentioned in the chronicles of the "Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms", established in 1145. The festival received its name by the name of the ancient city of Cannes, where he passes. The festival is accompanied by a multitude of rituals, which are designed to drive the evil and promote a good crop. It begins with a crowded parade, the main episode of which is the dance with masks. Acting faces - Welject Kwanno in the cap and with a fan in his hands and his bride. On the days of the festival, the gods are praising, bringing his holy drink. And naturally, celebrations are accompanied by a rich feast, with festive rice cakes.

May 30. China. Duan-from Jie - Holiday Double Fi

One of the three main traditional holidays of China is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month in the lunar calendar. The emergence of this holiday is associated with memory of the ancient Chinese Patriot Patriot Qui Yuan. Therefore, another triumph name is a poet's day. According to the legend, the poet Quysh Yuan, who lived in the kingdom of Chu in the era of the warring kingdoms (5-3rd century BC), committed suicide with him the fifth number of the fifth month. The reason for such a decision was the fact that the authorities of Chu did not listen to his words about the need for reforms, as a result of which the kingdom fell in the invasion of the troops of the king of Qin. The poet did not ruin the national shame and rushed to the river. And annually on the day of his death in memory of the poet, people began to arrange on the river rivers, made in the form of dragons. Therefore, the third name of the holiday is the festival of dragon boats. On this day, it is customary to treat each other with the traditional iases of Zuzongzza - rice wrapped in the leaves of the cane.

2 June. Bulgaria. Holiday destroy

In the southern regions of Bulgaria, a holiday dedicated to the hard work of the farmer and the shepherd is celebrated in the southern times of Bulgaria. This triumph is also called "Haming Sheep." On this day, the owner of Otara in the presence of all residents of the village issued the most beautiful sheep. The amount of milk is measured, and it is determined how high-quality and promising herd. The first sip of Nadoy drinks the oldest shepherd, the rest is poured on the field - as a tribute to a good crop. Then the priest blesses all herds, fitted for a holiday. After that, the competition begins. Wins the owner of Toy Otara, where the most delicious and abundant milk. The sheep themselves are taken away with geranium, nettle, garlic. The horns are tied with a red thread. It is believed that these wubbles will retain the health of herd. The feast ends with a common feast behind the tables, covered right on the street. Missile milk products are required from the treats, cakes with cheese, lambs fried on a spit.




June 16. Ireland. Bluma Day

This triumph can be called literary. Because it is dedicated to the novel of the Irish writer James Joyce "Ulysses". The action of the famous Ulysses is happening just on a long Thursday on June 16, 1904. Officially celebrate Bloomsday in Ireland became since 1960. On this day, the admirers "Ulysses" follow the path of the main hero of Leopold Bloom, looking at all the place where the effect of the novel was unfolded. The journey begins on the Tower of Martello, located near Dublin, "the writer himself once lived in it. Next pass along the way, which was held Leopold Bloom on a long day, described in the novel. Especially for the "blouses" at the main points in the asphalt mounted forty plates with quotes from the novel - so as not to get off the way. The most pleasant part of the journey is numerous pubs in which Bloom wrapped.

June 16. Netherlands. Holiday soledo

The holiday of herring is held in June, after the first worm street. It is believed that by the end of May, herring reaches the perfect size and feeds 14 percent of fat content. The main place of the festival is the Harbor of the city of Schifeningen, where the court arrives with the catch and where the market is located on which herring is sold. The fair looks funny: in the carcass herring sticks sticks with a flag of the country so that people do not pack hands. Therefore, this holiday is also called the day flags. On the days of the Fishest Festival, you can enjoy the traditional preparing village of traditional preparation, as well as enjoy the spectacle of folk festivities.

Fruit and berry holidays

Spring is a period of colors and the first fruits. It is not surprising that at this time in many countries celebrate days dedicated to the spring rustling of flora.

12 May. Canada. Tulip festival

Not only Holland is famous for huge plantations of this amazing flower. Canada does not lag behind. Every year, the tulip festival takes place in Ottawa in the first half of May and lasts about two weeks. The holiday begins with the "Bala of Tulips", on which beautiful girls represent robes from petals. Then holiday guests will be taken to elegant plantations, where they can admire the variety of flowering tulips. Yes, and the city itself looks fantastic these days: numerous multi-level flower beds are scattered throughout Ottawa.

May, 23rd. Bulgaria. Rose Festival

Everyone knows that Rose is a symbol of Bulgaria. Rose oil made in this country is known all over the world. And it is the oilseed rose that may be dedicated to May celebrations. The holiday starts on roses plantations, where the collection of petals is being collected. Of these, then make colorful wreaths. And then the procession passes through the cities of Kazanlyk or Karlovo, the elections of the queen of roses are held in the finals of the action.

May 27. Germany. Strawberry holiday

The town of Oberkirch in the land of Baden-Württemberg became the center of this festival for a simple reason. It is here that the largest wholesale market of strawberries in Germany - Mittelbaden. A delicious berry is sold on it in a huge amount. In the town itself, these days are walking, tasty treatments from strawberries are sold in taverns - cakes, ice cream, mousses ... Well-known cooks at the fair are carried out by master classes for the manufacture of these sweet dishes.

2 June. Thailand. Pineapple festival

While in Germany enjoy strawberries, in Thailand gives tribute to the local fruit - Pineapple. The festival is carried out in the province of Lampang. According to Thais, Pineapple is one of the most important fruits. It is rich in vital vitamins, besides, it contains magnesium, chlorine, iodine. There are already 80 pineapple varieties in the country. As with most of the other Thai festivals, the main action of this holiday is a parade. But unusual: all participants in the celebration are carrying trolleys with the mountains of pineapple, decorated with flowers. This is accompanied by traditional dances and songs. The festival is completed by mass eating juicy fetus.

Europe and Asia are called medieval tournaments, firewalk and colorful rituals 45628_3

International Festival "Imperial Gardens of Russia"


the 9th of June. Russia. International Festival "Imperial Gardens of Russia"

The exhibition-competition of landscape and garden arts takes place annually in St. Petersburg, in the open territory of the Russian Museum - in the Mikhailovsky Garden. The first International Festival "Imperial Gardens of Russia" was organized by the Russian museum in 2008 with the support of the charity foundation of his Royal Highness Prince Michael Kent and the Union of Gardeners of Russia. Since then, annually in the Mikhailovsky garden landscape designers are of the audience to the courts of the audience on a given topic. This year the topic of the exhibition is "Avantgartens / Avantgardens". This is accompanied by an extensive cultural and entertainment program. Festival bonus - it coincides with the beginning of the white night season.

June 16. Czech Republic. Five-mele-point holiday

Actually, this holiday is not quite floral. He is dedicated to the famous Rosenberg Rainbear, who owned the city of Czech Krumlov for 300 years. On the emblem of Rosenberg, a five-point rose in a silver frame was depicted. Rose has become the main element and urban coat of arms of Czech Krumlov. It is in this city that the celebrations are held, which are a bright medieval carnival. The main episode of it is undoubtedly the reconstruction of knightly tournaments - with fights on heavy swords. On the days of the festival, not only fights are reconstructed, but in general the atmosphere of that time. Therefore, the whole city is filled with people in medieval costumes that participate in various playing rooms - living chess, fiery shows, dance. And on the local market you can taste medieval dishes - "Vepor", grilled on a spit, with freshly brewed beer.

Czech Republic

Czech Republic


Music has tied us

May and June Days are also rich in numerous musical festivals. Here are just some of them.

In Germany.

May 14. Dresden. Dixieland festival. This is the oldest festival of jazz and blues music.

May 30. Düsseldorf. Festival "Jazz Rally". A few days of continuous concerts on 30 scenes with the participation of 500 groups and performers.

the 9th of June. Leipzig. Bach festival. The most prestigious festival in Germany dedicated to the work of the Great German Composer.

June 24. Munich. Opera Festival. Munich is considered one of the largest centers of world opera culture.

In Romania.

On May 13, an international jazz competition is held in Bucharest.

In the Netherlands.

On June 3, the Rock Music Festival "Pink Pop" will be held in the city of Langafe.

In Spain.

On June 15, the Sonar electronic music festival will be held in Barcelona.

In Canada.

June 28 in Montreal - the International Jazz Festival, which has been held annually for more than 30 years.

In Switzerland.

June 30 in Montreux is a jazz festival, one of the most prestigious in the world leading its history since 1967.

May-June also falls a whole series of the most famous world film festivals. But this is a separate story.

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