Three unexpected ways to increase immunity


Charging becomes

An accurate scientific explanation for why moderate, but regular physical exertion increase immunity, and extreme reduced it, the doctors still have not found. The first large-scale study of the relationship between training and immunity was held by scientists from the University of Illinois. They experimented on mice, which in laboratory conditions were infected with the influenza virus. Rodents, leading a sedentary lifestyle, died in the glory of science, mice, who were too mobile, were also in no hurry to recover, but those that moved regularly, but moderately, recovered quickly. Based on the study, scientists have assumed that the physical activity of varying degrees affects the balance between the two types of immune cells, which either suppress or activate inflammatory processes. That is, if you regularly, but without unnecessary fanaticism, they are engaged in sports or just like walking on foot, then the immune cells of two species are in the balance sheet, and you have less chances to pick up a seasonal cold.

Moderate, but regular physical exertion increase immunity

Moderate, but regular physical exertion increase immunity


Dinner is served!

"Spring came - we will leave vitamins," people who buy vitamin complexes in pharmacies argue. Meanwhile, scientists came to the conclusion that the vitamins obtained from the meal are absorbed better than synthetic. Case in their chemical structure. For example, vitamin C contained in citrus fruits consists of seven isomers of ascorbic acid, and in its synthetic analogue is only one isomer. The same applies to vitamin E, also possessing antioxidant properties. However, the hypochedrics should calm down: vitaminosis in modern Russia is practically not found in classical. Most often we suffer from hypovitaminosis - a seasonal decrease in vitamin security, and most of us in the spring there is a shortage of vitamin C, as well as folic acid and carotoids. To compensate for their disadvantage, turn on citrus, lettuce leaves, earthwoods, mushrooms, cabbage, vegetables and fruits of red and yellow flowers. Also, the main products for lifting immunity doctors are called salted cucumbers, sauer cabbage and other fermented vegetables. They contain prebiotics, which positively affect the work of the intestine, and already he, in turn, increases immunity.

Vitamins derived from food are absorbed better synthetic

Vitamins derived from food are absorbed better synthetic


Sadness me to eat me

By the way, the fact that people who do not accept life adversity to heart have a stronger immunity, noticed in the XIV century members of the Florentine Brotherhood Misericordia. Their obligations included the statistics of the survivors and died people during epidemics. It turned out that the inhabitants of Florence, who did not lose the positive attitude, were recovered at times better than their neighbors, a panic. Modern medicine found a scientific explanation. The reason in the hormone cortisol, which our body produces during stress. On the one hand, it accelerates heartbeat, increases pressure, activates the work of the muscles, reducing glucose consumption, and, thus, helps our body quickly mobilize resources in a dangerous situation. However, cortisol suppresses the body's immune responses, which is why regularly nervous people are much more likely to be relaxed.

People who do not accept vital adversity to heart have a stronger immunity

People who do not accept vital adversity to heart have a stronger immunity

Photo: Julia Malkov

Three unexpected ways to increase immunity

Drink pickles. A drink associated with most Russians with a hangover is actually rich in prebiotics that improve the work of the intestine, increase immunity and complex the organism comprehensively.

Chew a chewing gum. Surprisingly, scientists found out that the habit of chewing the chewing of the Th17 cells is stimulated, which can be called immune system sanitation: they detect pathogens and activate the production of lymphocytes.

Do not forget about kefir. The fact that kefir helps to establish the work of the intestine and reduce the extra weight, everyone knows, but his immunoregulatory properties of the doctors have recently discovered. Studies of the Ankar hospital confirmed: regular use of kefir for two weeks activates large leukocytes (macrophages), which increases immunity.

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