Found the Replacement BMI


Scientists found out that BMI does not take into account the mass of factors and cannot serve as a universal assessment method how much is its weight for human health.

Experts argue that there should be no longer anxiety of the body, but the weight of his body (the segment from the chest to the hips). Studies have shown that people having an increased amount of fatty sediments on the stomach, sides and back, risk opening 22% more than those overweight concentrated on the hips.

It also became known that among people in high body weight, those who possessed the type of type "apple" had diseases associated with obesity, much more often than the holders of figures under the conditional names "Triangle", "Rectangle" and "Pear".

In addition, the CMT was criticized for evaluating only the total body weight, and not its composition. Fat has a smaller weight than muscles, so the pumped man can weigh more complete.

You can estimate the risks for your health, working in simple data: divide the waist girth for girth or chest (you need to choose the greatest measurement). If the result is below 0.85 - fat deposits on your body are quite evenly distributed, there are no serious reasons for concern.

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